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Feb. 8th, 2013


Log: Alpha & Extremis

WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov
WHAT: Luka visits Billy at the Richter household. This happened a couple of weeks ago and apparently we didn't finish it until now, what the fuck.

My mother and I need time apart and this time it’s on my terms. )

Feb. 2nd, 2013


Log: Alpha & Tremor

WHO: Billy Sinclair & Chess Richter
WHAT: Right after the Billy/Rahne log earlier in the week. Chess is waiting outside for Billy and takes him home.

Sometimes you have to make your own rules. )

Jan. 28th, 2013


WHO: Billy & Rahne Sinclair (NPC by Jen)
WHAT: Billy goes home to his mother and things don't go the way either of them hoped.

We’re starting over, and I’m not leaving this with you so you can hold on to all this ugliness. )

Jan. 26th, 2013


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Rick Richards
WHAT: After Rick texts him, he goes to talk to Billy in the empty cafeteria. Rick questions Billy about this change of heart he's had regarding his mother and confronts him about his situation. Billy doesn't take it well. (Oh and Jen, Billy never comes back to Luka's room, he probably sleeps on the main building's rec room couch.)

So I just think I need to get away from here for a little while, you know? )


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov
WHAT: Billy is angry at Mark for sleeping with Tomás and Luka is having none of it. They fight, Billy breaks down and realizes he's being selfish, which leads to a terrible revelation on Billy's part.

It’s not the same. Mark gets labeled mentally ill, so I have to coddle him when he does something stupid? )

Jan. 6th, 2013


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov
WHAT: Billy has been thinking about graduating high school a year early and going to college, so he's been setting up his plans for the future. However, Luka's plans to help Billy don't line up with what Billy had expected. Gifts are offered and Billy reluctantly accepts.

You can't buy me a car. Luka, you can't buy me TWO cars. )

Dec. 30th, 2012


Log: Alpha & Morpheus

Who: Billy Sinclair and Day Dreamer
When: December 30th
Where: school; boy’s dormitory lounge
What: “Is that an Angela Rush book?” BAM. FRIENDS. Well, sort of. Day has a panic attack first and lets it slip about the severe trauma.
Warnings: talk of sexual assault, actual self-harm

Do people ever try to pet you? )

Dec. 16th, 2012


WHO: Mark, Billy, Owen and Jack
WHAT: Mark got SUPER DRUNK for the last two days and wakes up on Sunday with a terrible hangover. He breaks up with Owen in the bathroom (again), and then goes and crawls into Jack’s bed for cuddles, which get interrupted by Billy wanting to go shopping.

Your voice really hurts my head )


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov
WHAT: After the party winds down, Billy goes to curl up in Luka's room. They have an important discussion involving the nature of Rahne's treatment of Billy, and then Luka offers to take Billy to Aspen for a while. You know, because he's trying not to act like a sugar daddy.

This isn't about you. )

Dec. 15th, 2012


WHO: Billy & Rahne Sinclair, with Luka Romanov and Steven Barnes
WHAT: On the afternoon of the holiday party, Rahne arrives and Billy decides that he needs to be honest with her about what he's been keeping from her since he started school at Xavier's. She's horrified. Given that this culminates with a little bit of violence in the main courtyard near the Phoenix Memorial Statue, feel free to have observed this if someone is peeking out windows waiting for guests.

You’re coming home with me right now, or you’re not coming home at all. Understand? )

Dec. 13th, 2012


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov
WHAT: Quick one! On the eve of the 13th, Billy and Luka have their last night of secrecy before Billy plans on telling people on his own terms.

This is your body. How is it weird to want to use it? )

Dec. 9th, 2012


WHO: Luka and Steven, and then Billy (and Mark)
WHAT: HE LIVES! Sometime after his network freakout, Luka's brain stops spamming people in the internet and he actually gets to wake up. It's surreal and shit.

Your ass is naked, did you know that? )

Dec. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Billy and Luka
WHAT: Friday, Nov. 30th. Billy and Luka talk about cars, there's a big timeskip where we cut them fooling around because ain't nobody need to read that, and then they talk about ... well, the fooling around sexytimes they just had. Billy also shows Luka his true form, they discuss the meaning of virginity as it applies to gay men instead of just women and how their age difference affects Luka emotionally, and they start fooling around again but it's all emotional and shit. We cut out all the truly porny bits but there's still a content warning for, like ... butts. And some chat about bondage!kink, because I couldn't find a decent segue before they started talking about sex. Basically what we're saying is that if you decide not to read this because sex, we understand.

You actually mean it, don’t you. )

Nov. 28th, 2012


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Mark Reilly (with Jack Murdock)
WHAT: Saturday morning, after Billy spends the night in Luka's room. Billy goes to chat about it with Mark (and somewhere in the middle of it Jack storms out), and Mark later confesses that he's bipolar. Billy says the wrong thing (or the right thing the wrong way) and they argue.

You're my best friend. )

Nov. 26th, 2012


WHO: Luka and Billy
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 23rd
WHAT: Part 2 of 2. After taking some time to run around in the woods, Billy comes by Luka's room. They're clingy and flirty, as per usual, but they find some kind of peace in their situation. They chat a bit about Mark and then decide to mess around instead, because Luka might die in three weeks. We also cut a lot because we didn't want to post anything porny, but just so everyone can laugh at them: at some point, Sebastian walks in and nearly catches them, and Luka deflects it by pretending he was watching porn. And Sebastian asks for a link. Because he's thirteen.

You have my attention. Maybe too much of my attention. )


WHO: Luka and Steven (with guest appearance by Billy)
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 23rd
WHAT: Part 1 of 2. Luka set the date for his surgery and Steven comes over to talk about it. There's some brotherly shit in here. They talk about not knowing each other, Steven's inability to reconnect with being home, Billy's age, Luka's not-so-great sexual experiences when he was young, and Steven's marriage. We went on for a loooong time so we split this into two parts, because the second part has no Steven but the first part has no Billy. We're also putting a content warning for discussion of statutory rape on this one to be absolutely safe.

Do I need to kill someone? )

Nov. 19th, 2012


WHO: Mark, Billy and Luka
WHAT: Sunday, Nov. 18th. Mark gives Billy and Luka his blessing (sort of) by sneaking into Luka’s room with some saltines and Powerade and watching Golden Girls with them.

I don’t teach your class anymore, smartass. )

Nov. 16th, 2012


WHO: Billy Sinclair and Rose Logan
WHAT: They go out for a run as wolves, they chat a bit, and then they decide to go hunt something down and eat it. Yep.

High school is stupid. )

Nov. 15th, 2012


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov, then Billy & Mark Reilly
WHAT: Luka asks Billy to sneak into his room at night so Luka can show him the heart he's been working on. After Billy sneaks back OUT, he decides not to go to his own room but to Mark's, because apparently sneaking around between bedrooms is what Mark and Billy love to do ALL THE TIME.

This is where I make life. )

Nov. 12th, 2012


WHO: Luka Romanov and Billy Sinclair
WHAT: Friday, November 9th. Part 2 of 2. Later that night, Luka meets Billy out in the woods (not scary at all) so they can talk in private. They find out that they actually have very similar religious views and Billy learns some things about Luka's heart plans that he doesn't like.

You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew what Extremis does to you. )

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