September 2013




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Apr. 24th, 2013


who: Dessa Rasputin & Ryan Storm
what: Coffee date!
when: Whenever Dessa was squeeing over this.
where: The coffee shop in town.

Can’t really crash and burn when you’re burn-resistant. )


who: Ryan Storm & Jeanie Summers
what: Ryan and Jeanie go to a fundraiser, then they get stuck in an elevator. Rich people don’t service their elevators. Angry birds are involved.
when: It’s timeless. No, but, really, I’m not sure so *hand wave*
where: Wherever some big rich person fundraiser would be held? Somewhere in Manhattan?

Sometimes that's just the way things are. )

Feb. 14th, 2013


Log; Firestorm and Shade

Who: Elliot Graymalkin & Ryan Storm
When: Wednesday February 13th, afternoon/eveningish.
Where: The library
What: Ryan needs to have a Talk with the boy seeing his favorite little cousin.
Status: log; complete

Note: Anyone who sees Elliot for the next few days can feel free to comment on his black eye.

Regardless, there was a BOY in Backpack’s life and Ryan hadn’t done his duty. )

Jan. 20th, 2013


Log: Firestorm & Spider-Girl

Who: Benjy Parker & Ryan Storm
When: During the battle
What: Benjy goes down and Ryan picks her up. Aww pseudo-family stuff. No, but seriously. She got hurt really bad.

Her dad never quit. Her dad would have kept going----so she did, too, shoving herself up again. )

Dec. 18th, 2012


WHO: Gale Richards, Rick Richards, Ryan Storm, & Luka Romanov
WHAT: A few days ago! Gale arrives in the United States and sets up in the FF Tower for a little while. He reunites with Rick, Ryan, and Luka. Hooray! Gale's entrance into the game has GOT to be the slowest thing ever. XD

Somebody hug this man. )