September 2013




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Aug. 16th, 2013


Log: Spider-Girl & Spider-Man

WHO: Benjy & Peter Parker
WHAT: Benjy has been going out all summer and superheroing, all while trying to keep it hidden from her parents. Dad finally catches up with her.

This is what I want to do with my life, Dad. )

May. 5th, 2013


Log; Welterweight and Spider-Girl

Who: Danny Astrovik and Benjy Parker
When: Sunday, May 5th, around lunchtime.
Where: The cafeteria
What: Danny sacrifices himself on the altar of dignity.

and Lo! His carrot-topped goddess awaited! )

Mar. 22nd, 2013


who: Benjy Parker, Colleen Rand and Olivia
what: While fighting crime, Colleen gets shot. Benjy brings her back for help and they decide to go with a stranger to fix Colleen so they don’t get in trouble.
when: Last Tuesday night/Wednesday morning? I think?

If anything, they thought that Colleen had a cold, or was feeling particularly crabby, and that she and Benjy were on their way to a costume party. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Log: Spider-Girl & Chance

WHO: Benjy Parker & Jason Blaire
WHAT: At the toga party, Jason and Benjy get very drunk and end up in a precarious position.

How many Jell-O shots have you had? )

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Log: Spider-Girl & Widget

WHO: Benjy Parker (Spider-Girl) & Colleen Rand (Widget)
WHAT: These two girls have had enough of sitting on the sidelines, and decide to sneak out and play vigilante. Colleen builds rocket skates to get them from Point A to Point B. This is set a couple of weeks ago, so assume they've been sneaking out pretty regularly since.

Not that I’m complaining. Heroes don’t complain. )

Jan. 20th, 2013


Log: Firestorm & Spider-Girl

Who: Benjy Parker & Ryan Storm
When: During the battle
What: Benjy goes down and Ryan picks her up. Aww pseudo-family stuff. No, but seriously. She got hurt really bad.

Her dad never quit. Her dad would have kept going----so she did, too, shoving herself up again. )

Dec. 27th, 2012


WHO: Benjy Parker & Remy Wilson
WHAT: Remy and Benjy go on a date! Afterward, they find a place to get cozy and try to do what couples do. (Thread.)

The practice is really paying off! )