September 2013




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Aug. 26th, 2013


log ; cyclone and zero-g

who? Tomás Keller and Henry Power.
when? About a week ago or so.
where? Henry's apartment.
what? The two have a talk about the future and come up with a super fun plan.

I’m gonna go take a shower. I smell like curry. )

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Log; Ace of Hearts and Zero-G

Who: Ian Cuckoo and Henry Power
When: Backdated to Monday, July 15th
Where: Henry’s apartment
What: Henry tries to jumpstart Ian’s emotions. With drugs.
Warnings: Drugs. Ian does coke. Henry pets Ian’s hair a lot.

And it wasn't long before Henry had started trying to curl up in Ian's lap and pet his hair.  )

Jun. 22nd, 2013


LOG: zero-g & pilot

WHO: Henry Power and Yoko Oyama
WHEN: Thursday the 20th
WHAT: Henry comes by Yoko's room to check up on her and bring lasagna. He ends up helping her through a minor breakdown.

I don't want to be alone again. )

May. 9th, 2013


log; Extremis & Zero-G

who Luka Romanov & Henry Power
when Thursday May 9th in the afternoon.
what Henry takes Luka up on the offer to assist running errands so he can drive the Tesla more. There's talking and agreeing to dinner. Luka doesn't mind eating greasy food. Then there's kissing. Sorry, Billy.

Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better? )


log: extremis & zero-g

WHO: Henry Power and Luka Romanov
WHAT: A few days ago, right after Felicity broke Henry’s faucet (so devious) and Luka offered to fix it. Despite being madly in love, Luka settles for letting Henry grope his chest and they chat a bit about monogamy.

You’ve... been waiting to break up with him? )


log ; cyclone & zero g

who? Tomás Keller and Henry Power.
when? Tuesday, May 8th sometime in the evening.
where? Henry's hotel room.
what? This is a breakup log.

We’re circling the same issue over and over. )

May. 8th, 2013


log; Firebird & Zero-G

who Eli Drake & Henry Power
when Backdated to when Henry returned from Belize.
what Henry goes to visit Eli after the disastrous Spring Break Phone Call. Mostly this is Eli telling Henry to nut up or shut up in much more eloquent words and, of course, Henry skirting the bigger issue.

Yeah, no, I shouldn’t have called you )

Apr. 21st, 2013


log ; cyclone & zero g

who? Tomás Keller & Henry Power.
when? Friday, April 19th sometime in the afternoon.
where? Back seat of a stupidly expensive SUV.
what? On the way back from the airport, Tomás and Henry have a conversation. While wearing no pants. I just thought you should know that part.

You promise? )

Apr. 16th, 2013


log; Cyclone & Zero-G

who Tomás Keller & Henry Power
when Today, 16 April 2013
what Trouble in Paradise. After his phone call to Eli the night before, Henry finds himself ansty and jumpy. He knows Tomás overheard the conversation so he finally approaches it while they're out on the beach. It doesn't go so well; Henry can't explain his insecurities well and Tomás remains convinced it's because he has feelings for Eli and doesn't trust him to not cheat.

I’m afraid you’ll find him better than me )

Mar. 31st, 2013


log ; cyclone & zero g

who? Tomás Keller & Henry Power.
where? The apartment Henry shares with Bethany.
when? Sunday, March 31st around dinner time.
what? Upon returning back to Xavier's from spending Easter with his family, Tomás has something to tell Henry.

Thank you, Han Solo )

Mar. 8th, 2013


log ; cyclone & zero g

who? Tomás Keller & Henry Power
where? Mr. Power's humble abode in the residents section.
what? Tomás goes to see Henry because the dude be acting kind of crazy. And then they talk. Like, actually talking that results in progress or some shit like that. Hell might have just froze over.

Careful, the monkey-thief will probably be watching. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Adventures of Henry Power and Psychotic Sock Monkey™ #1

[Pranks are a family thing apparently. Eli had so much fun with the sock puppet incident that he has decided to keep it going. To extreme levels. Mostly as payback for being wrongly accused.

So, when Henry wakes up in the morning, he'll find a picture of Psychotic Sock Monkey™ holding hostage the stuffed monkey that was in Henry's room, tied up, with Psychotic Sock Monkey™ holding a letter opener threateningly at it along with a note that is terribly scribbled, since, as everyone knows, Psychotic Sock Monkey™ types do not have good penmanship, that says: "This is what happens when people talk. I'll be watching you." sitting by the nightstand of his bed along with the remains of red-tinged cotton that may or may not have been stuffing (but, in actuality, is just a bunch of cotton balls stretched and dyed with red ink).

Yes, Eli is a terrible human being. Yes, he knows he's going to hell. But...he just can't help himself.]


LOG: zero-g & pilot

WHO: Henry Power and Yoko Oyama
WHEN: Last Wednesday
WHAT: Henry had invited Yoko to the Bronx Zoo, where they talk about Yoko's past. The conversation covers subjects like her surgeries, their partners, and Henry's family dynamic, revealing doses of both her complicated and layered relationship with her mother and his insecurities trying to fit into a family of heroes.

You think it takes...rainbows or fire or rich parents or...claws and machinery to make you a good person? A worthwhile individual? Someone who deserves to be noticed? If that were the case, the world would be different. We would be different people. But we’re not. We’re the same. )

Mar. 4th, 2013


who Eli Drake & Henry Power
when March 3, 2013 - evening.
what WHY HELLO THERE OLD FRIEND. Henry is on his way back to his room, reveling in his drunkeness, and runs (literally) into Eli. Who uses his soberness to his advantage and plays with Henry's head, including making him think a stuffed monkey is out to murder him. He is drunk, guys, and Eli once saw him nude. Maybe a few times. A couple.

I seem to recall you having a sensitive sack. Is it still sensitive? I feel like you should build up endurance. I hope you've built up endurance since then. )

Feb. 14th, 2013


log ; cyclone and zero g

who? Tomás Keller and Henry Power.
when? February 12th after this.
where? Henry's room.
what? Tomás is a jerk.

Henry? Do you love me? )

Jan. 27th, 2013


log ; cyclone and zero g

who? Tomás Keller and Henry Power.
when? After Henry's little talk with Mark.
what? Henry seems to think the middle of the night after waking Tomás up is a grand time to have a serious discussion. Tomás is candidly honest about a few things and overall it goes better than expected.

Will I do something like that again? Fuck, I honestly do not know, Henry. To say I make poor life choices is a huge fucking understatement with me sometimes. )


WHO: Mark Reilly and Henry Power
WHAT: Around midnight-ish on Saturday (Jan. 26th). Mark finally ventures out because he finally needs to eat, and Henry confronts him. Content warning for self harm.

Happy now? )

Jan. 23rd, 2013


log ; cyclone and zero g

who? Tomás Keller and Henry Power.
when? Yesterday after Bethany's post.
what? The two fellows have a one sided conversation about their non-existent relationship while at Hooters. Hey. They have good wings.

Dirty thoughts were always appropriate at Hooters, Henry. )

Jan. 19th, 2013


who Tomás Keller, Julianne Keller, Henry Power
when After this!
where Medical ward
what AND LO HE HAS RISEN. Tomás goes to see Jak, who thinks he's the devil's spawn, and then Henry listens to everyone and goes to find him. LOOK, EMOTIONAL STUFF HAPPENS! Can you count how many times we type "dead"?
status log; complete

“You smell like dead people.” )

Jan. 18th, 2013


who: Bethany Banner & Henry Power
when: After the fray
what/where: Having found out about Tomas, Henry hides in the middle of the hallway until a big red Bethany finds him. He cries, she nurtures.
status: log, complete.

Sorry, I’m probably killing your post-battle buzz. )

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