September 2013




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Apr. 15th, 2013


Log: Memoria & Widget

who: Marie LeBeau & Colleen Rand
what: Marie comes to visit Colleen with some water. Set soon after Colleen got shot.

That’s where you’re a hero, too. )

Mar. 22nd, 2013


who: Benjy Parker, Colleen Rand and Olivia
what: While fighting crime, Colleen gets shot. Benjy brings her back for help and they decide to go with a stranger to fix Colleen so they don’t get in trouble.
when: Last Tuesday night/Wednesday morning? I think?

If anything, they thought that Colleen had a cold, or was feeling particularly crabby, and that she and Benjy were on their way to a costume party. )

Mar. 8th, 2013


Log: Memoria & Widget

who: Marie LeBeau and Colleen Rand
when: During the school camping ‘trip’
what: Marshmallows and pine cones and cuteness.

Marie had been on a whirlwind of a high since she found the rose on Valentine’s Day. )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Log: Memoria & Widget

who? Marie LeBeau and Colleen Rand
when? After this exchange
what? Cookies! And they think cute thoughts about each other and talk about stealing a spaceship and Twinkies

I’d drive to Canada for a twinkie. But then you would drive to Canada only to have someone tell you, ‘I heard they were producing them in Mexico.’ And then I’d be really pissed off. Especially since I can’t drive. )

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Log: Spider-Girl & Widget

WHO: Benjy Parker (Spider-Girl) & Colleen Rand (Widget)
WHAT: These two girls have had enough of sitting on the sidelines, and decide to sneak out and play vigilante. Colleen builds rocket skates to get them from Point A to Point B. This is set a couple of weeks ago, so assume they've been sneaking out pretty regularly since.

Not that I’m complaining. Heroes don’t complain. )