September 2013




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Nov. 12th, 2012


WHO: Luka Romanov and Billy Sinclair
WHAT: Friday, November 9th. The day after Luka announces to his physics class that Bethany will be taking over (surprise, physics class!), Billy decides to go on ahead and pull a Sinclair anyway. This ended up being really long so it's split into two parts.

Don’t. This happened. Don’t leave me. )

Nov. 10th, 2012


WHO: Billy and Mark (and later Mark and Owen)
WHAT: Right after Luka rejects Billy, Mark swings by to bother him and ends up staying to talk. Billy cries, Mark tries to be pragmatic, and it’s all very touching. Mark stays the night in Billy’s room and ends up running into Owen in the bathroom the next morning.

Of course I’ll stay. I’m not going anywhere. )

Nov. 8th, 2012


WHO: Billy Sinclair & Luka Romanov
WHAT: After the kissing incident with Brön, Billy is understandably agitated about the loss of his agency. However, things with Luka get complicated after a game of chess. In true Xavier’s tradition, the already fuzzy student/teacher line gets blurred even further.

I don’t want to damage your reputation and I certainly don’t want to ruin mine. )

Oct. 21st, 2012


WHO: Luka Romanov & Billy Sinclair
WHAT: Sunday, Oct. 21st, afternoon, in the library. Risk! They had so much fun Saturday night they decided to do it again, because they’re party animals. Billy learns more about the details of Luka's heart condition and what Luka plans on doing about it, and Billy doesn't flirt once.

I'm Kamchatka and I'm attacking Alaska. )

Oct. 19th, 2012


WHO: Brön Thorson [VALHALLAN] & Billy Sinclair [ALPHA]
WHEN: Early Friday Morning. Disgustingly early.
WHERE: Breakstone Lake.
WHAT: Brön decides that the best way for Billy to start learning about his Asgardian heritage is to throw him in at the deep end - literally. He invites Alpha out to join him for a bracing swim, but fails to take into account just how weak and fragile puny humans are. Just kidding, Billy's only half-human, Brön's sure he can handle it.

Spending eternity encased in blocks of everlasting ice: now THAT would show them a little humility(!) )

Oct. 18th, 2012


WHO: Mark & Billy (& Owen)
WHAT: Wednesday, October 17th, afternoon/evening. Billy got a bad revelation about how his family is seen in Asgard, so Mark steals Owen’s motorcycle and takes him out for a bit. When they come back, Owen’s all “wtf dude, you stole my bike” and Mark gets out of trouble for it by making out with him instead, all in the name of Mark’s quest to claim the title of Most Slutty Student Ever. Or something.

Maybe take a raincheck, Mark. )

Oct. 12th, 2012


WHO: Mark and Billy
WHAT: Oct. 6th (last Saturday night). Mark stays out past his bedtime and sneaks into Billy’s room instead of going back to his and waking up Jack. They get a little handsy and stop before they do anything that Milo would overhear.

This never happened. )

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