September 2013




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Aug. 11th, 2013


log: punisher & spectre

WHO: Pella Castle & Steven Barnes
WHAT: Sunday, August 11th. Shit gets real at Stark Memorial. Steven gets shot. Boo hoo.

You're crazy. )

Jul. 12th, 2013


LOG: revere & pilot

WHO: Terrence Rhodes and Yoko Oyama
WHEN: Wednesday through Friday
WHAT: Terrence and Yoko are assigned to eliminate an FOH facility outside of Birmingham, Alabama. What starts as a cut-and-dry mission becomes one large deathtrap as the two quickly learn that the FOH was expecting them. The two escape by a thread, but it leave a lot of unanswered questions: namely, who was feeding the FOH information about them?
WARNING: Violence, fighting, torture, stuff.
note: Moved up from Saturday because we had our calculations off.

Neither of you are getting out of here alive. )

Jun. 13th, 2013


Log: Spectre, Extremis, Renegade, & The Machinist

WHO: Steven Barnes, with dreams of Luka Romanov, Pella Castle, and Magnus Nefaria
WHAT: Steven's worst nightmare. Content warnings for character death, gun violence, and Magnus being an evil son of a bitch. Violence, however, is not the least bit graphic. (See, Steven knows this guy is a douchebag.)

Two minutes. Kill one, the other lives. Wait, and they both die. )

Jun. 12th, 2013


Narratives: Charity & Bravo

Who: Cricket & James Rogers
When: Wednesday
Where: the apartments
What: The next set of reactions.
Warnings: violence, explosions, guns

Day Three - the residents )

May. 12th, 2013


Log: Spur, Morpheus, Remedy, Lupus

Who: Angel Rushman, Day Dreamer, Todd Foley, and Vincent Carter
When: Sunday, May 12th; evening
Where: Xavier’s School
What: Todd gets to do what Todds do best: heal people up all nice ‘n neat

PART 2 OF 2 )


Log: Spur & Morpheus (and Lupus)

Who: Angel Rushman & Day Dreamer, with appearance by Vincent Carter
When: Sunday, May 12th; evening
Where: Salem Center, Xavier’s School
What: Angel is injured and Day needs to get him to help, somewhere that won’t look at his extra organs like Angel was an alien instead of a mutant. Day totally killed a guy. Oops.

PART 1 OF 2 )