September 2013




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Jul. 27th, 2013


LOG: playback & hellhound

WHO: Aaron Grimm and Flint Walker
WHEN: Backdated to Tuesday the 23rd
WHAT: Flint happens across Aaron singing "Gunning Down Romance" in the drama room. It leads into a discussion regarding Aaron's recent past.
Warnings: References to sexual assault, non-explicit.

I heard you, Aaron. You're miserable. )

Jul. 22nd, 2013


log; Hellhound & Dauphine

who: Flint Walker & Olympia Shaw
when: backdated to July 13th, Flint's birthday.
what: Big words are said!

It was right on the tip of my tongue and now I can’t seem to figure out what I was going to say )

May. 15th, 2013


NARRATIVE: hellhound

WHO: Flint Walker
WHEN: Day of May 13th
WHAT: On the fourth anniversary of his wife's passing, Flint spends the day away from the school and reflects briefly on his marriage.

He hadn’t thought about it until now, but that was the moment he’d given up on her. )

Apr. 7th, 2013


log; Hellhound & Dauphine

who Flint Walker, Olympia Shaw.
what Together in bed, full of snuggles and cute, these two discuss the Closet of Sexual Toys and past lovers, of things they want and of the future. WARNING: it's just pure cute up in here.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s a touch of the devil in me. )

Mar. 11th, 2013


log; Hellhound & Stargate

who Flint Walker & Ethan Baltimore
when Friday March 8
what Flint and Ethan have never really hung out! So Ethan remedies that by scaring the poor man. It elicits a conversation on powers, life, and after moving from the school to a bar in Portland, Oregon, they discuss more personal matters and conclude that they need to take the kids to Medieval Times post-spring musical. These two could sit around sipping beer and watching the sunset and say more in that silence than in a thousand words.

I’m starting to think you watched me eat more than one meal back there. )

Mar. 9th, 2013


LOG: dauphine & hellhound

WHO: Olympia Shaw and Flint Walker
WHEN: Last weekend? Right after whenever he asked her about Lux. Pretty sure it was the weekend. We shall pretend.
WHAT: The tension finally becomes too much and Flint and Olympia head to a coffee shop to discuss whatever it is they're feeling for each other. Olympia wants Flint to know she's not his dead wife and Flint refuses to budge in his stance against Hellfire. Yet somehow it ends romantically and suggestively.

You need to be realistic with yourself a little more and understand that there are somethings I can’t give you. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


LOG: spectre & hellhound

WHO: Steven Barnes and Flint Walker
WHEN: About two weeks ago, nondescript day
WHAT: The once high school friends, one now a sniper and the other an actor, have their first in-depth conversation in the faculty kitchen. Talks of job-swapping, student labor, and the women of their lives.

You just happen to be lucky enough that ‘super spy’ is a viable career option. Do you know how many little kids would kill for that? Super spy ranks right up there with astronaut and ice cream truck driver. )

Feb. 17th, 2013


LOG: Dauphine & Hellhound

WHO: Olympia Shaw and Flint Walker
WHEN: Last Monday
WHAT: Olympia pops by Flint's classroom. The two talk about Hellfire, the passing of his wife, and the need for human companionship. A sweet, vulnerable moment between the pair of exes, possibly leading to new horizons.

Flint. Are you going to be a widower forever? )