September 2013




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Aug. 19th, 2013


Log: Pari & Arabian Knight

WHO: Nasser Jalili & Kinah Guthrie-Jalili
WHAT: Nasser and Kinah finally have their first moments alone on their wedding night.

We’ve got the rest of our lives, if all goes well, yeah? )

Jun. 25th, 2013


log; Pari & Arabian Knight

who Kinah Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
when June 25, sunset in the garden.

Are you serious? )

Jun. 14th, 2013


log; Arabian Knight & Djinn

who Hakeem Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
when back on Wednesday when the residents were hit.
what Nasser suffers his own torments that take him outside and Hakeem happens to find him. They have words. AND THEN NASSER REALIZES THIS WAS ALL PART OF THE NIGHTMARE AND SUDDENLY HAKEEM EXPLODES.

“What we always say to the god of death: not today. )

Apr. 29th, 2013


log; Pari & Arabian Knight

who Kinah Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
when Following [this] he goes to take her out.
what HAPPY GUSHY THINGS :) There is no summary because it cannot be summised into coherent words. Read it.

Sometimes I wonder if you put me on a pedestal, I feel like I can’t live up to how you see me )

Apr. 25th, 2013


log; Pari & Arabian Knight

who Kinah Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
when Last week during Spring Break
what Kinah and Nasser drive to San Diego to meet his family and explain what was going on with him, and her powers and for her to meet them. Things go well! and so they go to the beach, where Nasser taught Kinah to surf. This is the aftermath of them talking and being cute and there's some magic carpet action, oooh yeah.

I like to imagine I’m dainty about it but my sisters have told me it’s more like a lawnmower )

Mar. 31st, 2013


LOG: arabian knight & djinn

WHO: Nasser Jalili and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Weeks ago, because I suck. A few days after Hakeem and Kinah spoke.
WHAT: Hakeem follows Nasser into the stables and broods in his general direction. Despite his intentions to stay angry, the two of them connect on some level.

I figured you’d find me eventually. )

Mar. 27th, 2013


who Kinah Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
what Nasser joined the Guthrie clan in Kentucky for Norouz! He gets a little overwhelmed and has to go outside, where Kinah finds him. There's a discussion on religion, desires, wants, and how he feels he's not what she needs---which, in true Kinah fashion, she surprises him with what she wants. This ends in ♥

And one thing I know, that I’ve learned, is that inflexibility makes us break more easily than if we can bend where the wind takes us. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Log: Arabian Knight & Pari

WHO: Nasser Jalili & Kinah Guthrie
WHAT: Kinah is practicing archery in the gym while Nass practices his swordsmanship in the Danger Room. They meet in the hall outside the locker rooms, chat for a while, and Nass asks Kinah to dinner while Kinah tries not to look at his shirtless chest.

I don't date. )

Feb. 25th, 2013


who: Kinah Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
when: After this took place.
what: As agreed, Kinah gives him a tour which ultimately stops for a very intriguing discussion of the school, who built it, and the relation of mutant politics and war versus the human world's take on mutants and war, briefly touch down on religion and their takes on it, and what it means to them. Specifically, it's Nass's perspective against Kinah's, which they both find are roughly the same. She also shows him her mutation (the first one he's ever seen) and causes a little fear before they amble off to the safety of the Atrium.

You mean, are we training an anti-human army made up of children? )