September 2013




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Apr. 15th, 2013


Log: Memoria & Widget

who: Marie LeBeau & Colleen Rand
what: Marie comes to visit Colleen with some water. Set soon after Colleen got shot.

That’s where you’re a hero, too. )

Mar. 16th, 2013


LOG: blackout & memoria

WHO: Gabor St. Croix and Marie Lebeau
WHEN: The day Tess went wild and made hundreds of cupcakes
WHAT: To help with the cupcake epidemic, Marie takes some door to door. This includes Gabor's classroom. Though their touches are brief and few, the sheer power of his memories quickly overwhelms her. She cries, he fumbles, they freak each other out. But ultimately they come to appreciate each other a bit more. A little insight to the mind of Gabor.

Cope by not letting the bad things win. )

Mar. 8th, 2013


Log: Memoria & Widget

who: Marie LeBeau and Colleen Rand
when: During the school camping ‘trip’
what: Marshmallows and pine cones and cuteness.

Marie had been on a whirlwind of a high since she found the rose on Valentine’s Day. )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Log: Memoria & Widget

who? Marie LeBeau and Colleen Rand
when? After this exchange
what? Cookies! And they think cute thoughts about each other and talk about stealing a spaceship and Twinkies

I’d drive to Canada for a twinkie. But then you would drive to Canada only to have someone tell you, ‘I heard they were producing them in Mexico.’ And then I’d be really pissed off. Especially since I can’t drive. )

Feb. 4th, 2013


who Marie Lebeau & Wolfgang Von Strucker
when Backdated to the day of the attack! Morning of.
where Library
what NEW FRIENDS! Marie and Wolfgang bond over books, learn some things about each other and then realize, by trying to hypnotize each other, that they can't
status log; complete

Mostly it was ‘hi, I’m a Lebeau and I’m wearing gloves’ and people just kind of walked the other way. )