September 2013




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Aug. 23rd, 2013


Narrative: Djinn

WHO: Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Early morning on Saturday, August 24th
WHAT: Hakeem's time at Xavier's comes to a close.

it didn't make sense to call it the end of an era )

Jul. 23rd, 2013



WHO: Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Early Tuesday morning
WHAT: In which we notice Vic only writes narratives during event weeks. Hakeem is awoken by his first musical anomaly, which won't leave him alone ever. The second song has heart to it, and this heart is struggling to make sense of the changing world around him.

Everyone thought it was funny at first. )

Jun. 14th, 2013


log; Arabian Knight & Djinn

who Hakeem Guthrie & Nasser Jalili
when back on Wednesday when the residents were hit.
what Nasser suffers his own torments that take him outside and Hakeem happens to find him. They have words. AND THEN NASSER REALIZES THIS WAS ALL PART OF THE NIGHTMARE AND SUDDENLY HAKEEM EXPLODES.

“What we always say to the god of death: not today. )

Jun. 10th, 2013


NARRATIVES: djinn & atlas

WHO: Hakeem Guthrie, Vance Cage
WHEN: Today
WHAT: Hakeem experiences the full brunt of his nightmare. Vance gets a literal taste of his.

Please Don't Kill Me )

May. 27th, 2013


who Hakeem Guthrie & Wolfgang Guthrie Von Strucker
when RIGHT before the Love Spell.
what Hakeem and Wolfgang are sage, artistic, classy men. They sit outside under the shade, appreciating art and discussing their womens.

Am I selfish? )

May. 9th, 2013


LOG: scarlet spider, alpha, & djinn

WHO: Mark Reilly, Billy Sinclair, and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Saturday afternoon/evening
WHAT: At first sensation, Hakeem rushes to Mark's room, feeling the uncontrollable urge to express his love. Mark tries to fend him off, but it only gets worse when Billy bursts in to convey his deep, undeniable attraction for Hakeem. A lot of dancing around Mark, who just wants everyone to get the hell out.

It was immediate. Like a light switch or a lightning bolt or a car accident, even. )

Apr. 28th, 2013


Log: Silent Knight & Djinn

WHO: Hakeem Guthrie & Jack Murdock
WHAT: Set around April 21. Hakeem brings a moon rock back for Jack and shows him the pictures he took of Attilan.

All this is on the moon? )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


LOG: tess & djinn

WHO: Tess St. Martin and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Today approximately 4:30
WHAT: Hakeem tries to rescue Tess from a well. Neither of them come out unscathed!

Hang on, okay? Everything’s going to be all right )

Apr. 16th, 2013


log : hawk & djinn.

WHO: Kiki Bishop and Hakeem Guthrie.
WHAT: Paladins training! And Kiki being the most awkward person alive.
WHEN: Last Friday, before everyone went away for spring break.

This was more fun than he’d probably ever had with anyone else. Though he’d maintained the upper hand for the majority of the fight, it had been by the skin of his teeth and she had spooked and surprised him more than he’d anticipated. The right arrow at the right moment and it was all over. )

Mar. 31st, 2013


LOG: arabian knight & djinn

WHO: Nasser Jalili and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Weeks ago, because I suck. A few days after Hakeem and Kinah spoke.
WHAT: Hakeem follows Nasser into the stables and broods in his general direction. Despite his intentions to stay angry, the two of them connect on some level.

I figured you’d find me eventually. )

Mar. 25th, 2013


Log: Djinn & Transmutation

Who: Sean Wilson & Hakeem Guthrie
When: Friday, March 22, evening
Where: Sooooomewhere on the grounds
What: Sean is restless; Hakeem helps.

Sand. It always came back to that, in his nightmares. )

Mar. 8th, 2013


LOG: pari & djinn

WHO: Kinah and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Wednesday, March 6th
WHAT: Kinah has learned about Hakeem's intentions to join the military and, after some research of her own, decides to talk to him. Their conversation also brings to light Kinah's budding relationship with Nasser and Hakeem's struggle with celibacy. Opening up renews the strength of their sibling bond.

Kinah. You’ve been talking to Nasser a LOT, yeah? )

Feb. 17th, 2013



WHO: Hakeem & Yassir Guthrie
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHERE: Out on the beaches of San Diego, California
WHAT: With tensions high and emotions boiling at the surface for everyone, the two brothers have packed their things and done what they do best: leave. Light is shed, however, on the nature of their habit and Hakeem proves to be a brother to which none can compare. (In Yass' own biased opinion, of course.)

the drive alone acted as fundamental catharsis )

Feb. 3rd, 2013


LOG: Pari & Djinn

WHO: Kinah and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Backdated to a few days after Kinah arrives at the school
WHAT: Hakeem goes to visit his sister as she's settling in and they catch up, discussing Yassir, faith, Kinah's time in the city, and Karen.

He will always protect you and bring you to safety. And our need for safety has brought us together again. )

Jan. 4th, 2013


WHO: Jack Murdock and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: About another several hours after Hakeem speaks with Wolfgang (it's been a busy day)
WHAT: Now getting his head wrapped around things a little bit more, Hakeem goes to talk to Jack about Yassir and Karen. (Finale of Hakeem Meets Feelings)

You’re a part of her life. I thought it’d matter to ask. )


WHO: Wolfgang von Strucker and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: About an hour after Yassir and Hakeem talk
WHAT: Wolfgang returns to the school and anxiously wants to apologize to Hakeem for what happened a few years ago. Despite Hakeem's initial hesitation, they start talking about what happened, their years apart, Yassir's reveal, and Hakeem's feelings for Karen. Friendship has certainly been rekindled. (Part Two of Hakeem Meets Feelings Trilogy)

What was it about this one that has you so in love? )


WHO: Yassir and Hakeem Guthrie
WHEN: Sometime over the last few days
WHAT: Yassir and Hakeem are reunited at Xavier's after their vacations apart. Yassir takes this opportunity to finally admit to his older brother that he is gay. Hakeem responds the way you'd expect. (Also called: Part One of Hakeem Meets Feelings Trilogy)

“Insha’Allah, jaan – please listen and please, please don’t get mad.” )

Dec. 19th, 2012


WHO: Karen Murdock and Hakeem Guthrie
WHAT: Taking place some time before Hakeem asked her out on a date (idk we were ambiguous about it), Karen and Hakeem run into each other on the roof. They talk about things, they flirt a big, they bond over... well, actually they bond over being uncomfortable around the gay kids and being virgins. But in a cute way.

You too? Thank God, I thought I was the only one. )