September 2013




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Jun. 23rd, 2013


Log: Lady Hulk & Ace of Hearts

WHO: Bethany Banner & Ian Cuckoo
WHAT: Bethany spends the night in a cell, and Ian comes to her the next morning to discuss her options with her. Following this, Bethany will be removed from Xavier's and sent to a SHIELD-affiliated psych facility in Ohio for one month.

I don't trust that. )

Jun. 22nd, 2013


Log: Lady Hulk, Ursa, Stormbreaker, et al.

WHO: Bethany Banner, Joanna Summers, and Eva Schmidt, with an appearance from Ian Cuckoo (kind of NPC'd with Tony in the background saying "do this") and Steven Barnes. And everyone else from the OOC post was ALSO there. More on that in a sec.
WHAT: Bethany has smashed some things and like Joanna promised, Bethany is going to spend a night in the cell next to Tobias. Getting here there isn't easy. In fact, this log ends with the start of an all-out Hulk fight which you are all invited to. I just didn't want the log to take forever and turn into a turn clusterfuck, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment here and let me/us know what happened to get Bethany taken down once this started. Any and all ways to help out are welcome, plz, and please feel free to assume that... oh gosh. I almost hate to say it, but if they're in a fight, and you're not super strong or durable, chances are you got your ass hurt. Can be as big or as small as you want, we will roll with it ♥

It's just a night in a cell, okay? )

May. 27th, 2013


Log: Lady Hulk & Ace of Diamonds

WHO: Bethany Banner & Emmett Cuckoo
WHAT: Set Saturday, after Bethany hurts Mark. She goes to find Emmett and they have a little therapy session.

I’m not nearly ready to give up on you, Bethany. )

May. 25th, 2013


Log: Lady Hulk & Scarlet Spider

WHO: Bethany Banner & Mark Reilly
WHAT: Bethany has come home from her time away to try and be a better person. She attempts to make amends with Mark (a victim of the Bronx incident), but when Mark doesn't accept the apology, Bethany struggles to understand it and lashes out at him.

Go ahead and hit me again if you want to. Prove to everyone that you’re exactly what I think you are, because two good days mean shit. You already dropped a roof on me, punching me shouldn’t be that hard, right? )

May. 12th, 2013


Narrative: Lady Hulk

WHO: Bethany Banner
WHAT: She's been wandering since Thursday evening.

they scream at her about how she's what's wrong with superheroes )

Jan. 18th, 2013


who: Bethany Banner & Henry Power
when: After the fray
what/where: Having found out about Tomas, Henry hides in the middle of the hallway until a big red Bethany finds him. He cries, she nurtures.
status: log, complete.

Sorry, I’m probably killing your post-battle buzz. )

Dec. 20th, 2012


WHO: Bethany Banner, Fred Langkowski, Emmett & Ian Cuckoo
WHAT: After Josh breaks things off with her and she argues with Luka, Bethany goes on a smashing rampage in the backyard. Fred goes to battle it out with her and buy time while Emmett & Ian use Cerebro to psychically sedate her.
NOTES: A lot of damage has been done to the grounds because of this event, so characters can notice and comment that the basketball court, the hedge maze, the outer wall of Bethany’s bedroom, and the walkway to the boys’ and girls’ dormitories have all been torn up.

Break me? Honey, I will break you like a cracker! )

Nov. 10th, 2012


WHO: Luka Romanov and Bethany Banner
WHAT: Thursday night (8th). Luka and Bethany decide to stop sleeping with each other (for entirely non-Billy reasons) and talk about Luka’s possible death. And Billy, because apparently “don’t tell anyone” actually meant “tell only your closest, sluttiest friend”.

Merry Christmas to you? )