Posts Tagged: 'sirius+black'

Aug. 1st, 2019



I haven't been through the doors yet. I really need to go through them. Who is coming with me?

White Wolf? Peter? Someone I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet which we need to fix?

Jul. 31st, 2019



Help required!
Who knows how to set up a record player and speakers??

In payment for your help, I will let you listen to some very groovy music very loudly with me!

Jul. 10th, 2019


Hello, everyone.

I apologize for the length of this; however find the contents below to be entirely necessary for the upcoming days.

Public Announcement )

Jul. 2nd, 2019



Okay, quick announcement. Mayor Stark is throwing a 4th of July/Birthday shindig because we don't have enough of those this Thursday.

There's going to be a baseball came Thursday, but I realize a lot of you might not know the rules or even what baseball is. There'll be a quick review of the game tonight at Pancho's for anyone who wants to play on Thursday (we need as many of you as possible). Just show up if you're interested. Or if you have any pointers.

Let me know if you guys have questions!


Okay, I've posted a roster at Pancho's if you're interested in the teams. I tried to be random and fair, but let me know if you have any questions!

Private to Clint

Can you get us cake? We need cake for the big event and you seem to be the go-to

Private to Klaus and Nyx

Can you boys find snacks, hotdogs, hotdog buns, and baseball equipment? I know it's short notice.

Jun. 27th, 2019



One of the Doors led through to some relative of my world though, I didn't go looking for myself or anyone I knew. But I found some pretty amazing supplies. And brooms. I've been missing my broom like a lost limb. So I'll be out for a fly, if anyone wants to join me.

Jun. 26th, 2019




Yeah. Okay.

So. Hi.

Jun. 23rd, 2019



I need a job. Most anything will do, so long as it's either fun or feels productive.

My credentials are that I am brilliant at all things.

So? Whose got something for me, then?

Jun. 19th, 2019



The gym is still a work in progress, but it's finished up enough to use. There's a boxing ring, bags and pads, some weights, bars etc.

Please keep sparring friendly and if anyone wants a few tips I'm happy to show you a thing or two.

Jun. 8th, 2019



Oi! No matter which door I open, they all look like GRAND adventures. Y'know, as opposed to random hellscapes and horrors or the even worse boring normal streets.

What I MEAN to say is, who's up for some romping? James? Remus? Miles? Gwen? Tony? New Peter who I haven't met yet? ALL OF YOU? MORE?

C'mon you lot, let's go find something fun to do.

Jun. 2nd, 2019



I suppose I should have done this yesterday when I arrived but I was too busy trying to figure out how I got here. I'm Luke Skywalker and the little guy with me is Artoo Detoo. He's a droid and he can do a lot of things to help with rebuilding and stuff.

May. 7th, 2019



Are the doors really taking people to outer space, lately? Like, seriously?! And uh...does anyone wanna check it out? Not saying I want to go floating around in space (that would probably kill me), but it would be kinda cool to see another planet.

Just saying.

May. 5th, 2019



Right so this is definitely not the Millenium Falcon, so if anybody could tell me where we are and how exactly I get back to where I was I'd appreciate it.

May. 2nd, 2019



So I come out of my not cute little house to take a walk and my drum set was there. Excuse me! How did this happen? Are inanimate objects going to start showing up the way people are nowadays? At first I thought maybe it was a rando gift from Mr. Stark or Alpha Parker but!!!! These are definitely my drums</i> because I carved an angry faced Em Jay on the edge of the snare with my house key and it's still there.

How did this happen? I'm so excited but SHOULD I TOUCH IT? What if it's a trap? I mean, my Spider-senses are not going off so it's probably cool and I want to play them really bad but should I leave them alone, or...? I got my drum sticks a while back and I guess they're fine but this is weird and I want to say awesome but. You know what else would be awesome? If whatever entity is keeping track of things we want, can I just have all the corn dogs next time?

May. 1st, 2019



[Video Post]

[The image of a young woman appears on screen, it’s a holographic image, tinted blue but still it’s clear enough her eyes are bright and focused; determined and hopeful. Hair in a crown braid, her head is held high, with a regal sort of bearing - she means to make an impact on her audience, this is, after all New Republic propaganda.]

This is Leia Organa, last princess of Alderaan, former member of the Galactic Senate, and a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. I have a message for the galaxy. The grip of the Galactic Empire on our galaxy and its citizens is relinquished. The Death Star outside the forest moon of Endor is gone, and with it the Imperial leadership.

The tyrant Palpatine is dead. But the fight isn’t over. The war goes on even as even as the Empire’s power diminishes. But we are here for you. Know that wherever you are, no matter how far out into the Outer Rim you dwell, the New Republic

[Her gaze drifts, eyes narrowing and brows furrowing in a dark look that clouds her expression and stops her mid-sentence. Leia’s taking in her surroundings, a sight that’s enough to kill her broadcast efforts entirely, the image whirls and is buffeted about, as the hand holding the holorecorder falls to her side.

There's a muffled word that might well sound like complete nonsense to anyone outside Leia's galaxy, but the sharp inflection certainly makes it sound like a curse - the holo cuts abruptly.]

[OOC: Hey folks, wanted to try something a little different, basically the holovid she WAS recording on the Falcon comes up as an ‘accidental’ video post on the network – but please feel free to reply by text/whatever – we’ll say she’s found her device on the table by then and will respond via that.]

Apr. 26th, 2019



I've just got a random every day sort of query. Say someone was in need of some rope. Is there a stash of that somewhere? Or would another trip through the doors be necessary? Asking for a friend.

Apr. 24th, 2019



Judging by the activity on this device, we're all strangers in a strange land. I'd say that's comforting, but-- well. No I wouldn't. It's not comforting. Is everyone a witch, then? I tried to open the Road and wound up here. It's like the Bar With No Doors. Except...a town.

Apr. 14th, 2019




We need a project to work on. Something fun and worthwhile and fun. Did I mention fun?

So, we should definitely make a map of this town, right? Like a good map?

Apr. 11th, 2019



If you're looking for snacks, for cigarettes, for music, just let me know. I take trades of all kinds for goods and services, as one does. Just think of me as your neighborhood bodega.

Apr. 5th, 2019



It has come to my attention that perhaps this is a device I should actually be using instead of simply ignoring because it seems like much more bother than it's worth.

I also see that we're listing the ways in which we might contribute to this village we're building.

My name is Regulus Black. I'm a wizard and quite good in a variety of areas of magic. I had heard that there's been some distress over a lack of hot water for bathing. If someone would be willing to contact and work with me, I'm certain we can get that sorted for everyone and not just the magic users present.

I'm also decently skilled at healing magic and would be willing to assist those working on the growing of food with ensuring we can all sustain ourselves.

And if you happen to see a panther here and there, I would appreciate it very much if you didn't hurt it. I assure you it's perfectly safe and you have nothing to fear from it.



I have got to get out of this room.

How long, exactly, does a broken leg take to heal? I don't suppose anyone knows, hm? As terribly exciting as it is to stare out of a window from five feet away and watch absolutely nothing happen I would prefer to at least be out in the breeze. If there is one. I wouldn't know, would I?

Also, as I'm sure a place with such stark trappings needs all of the help it can get, I would like to offer my services as a seamstress and an event planner. Something tells me we could do with a party.