Posts Tagged: 'klaus+hargreeves+%28netflix%29'

Jun. 29th, 2019



It has come to my understanding, that we need more visual entertainments.

I may not understand these movies of your worlds, but I feel I go through the doors enough.

I got a list so far...


  • Footloose

  • Star Wars

  • Top Gun

  • Jaws

  • Alien

  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  • Lost Boys

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark

  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

  • Gladiator

  • And holy shit there is a lot here..

Are there any other titles I should be looking for?

I'll start messing with the doors tomorrow morning.

also edit:
Okay. I will keep an eye for the whole lot of these.
If I find any movies, I'll just start grabbing.

Jun. 7th, 2019



The pears on the tree are perfectly ripe and so are the apricots, I've picked plenty and left them in baskets in the square.

Is there anything you'd like planted that you're missing? It's been nice getting my hands dirty.

May. 30th, 2019



Private to Klaus Hargreeves. )

May. 26th, 2019



My fellow dimensionally marooned, in the effort of conducting research on the commonalities of our disappearance and eliminating down to the lowest common denominator, would all those willing please disclose the circumstances surrounding the time of your disappearance? What was happening in those moments in your life, perhaps even the world on a macro scale if you are so informed.

Sharing your story can absolutely be private, I understand completely. Please be assured that, as a doctor, I hold confidentiality in the highest regard. The only reason I ask is to examine why we were affected. I believe there may be parallel congruencies that left our realities and us, as individuals, all vulnerable to dimensional bleed at the time in which we were taken.

In the effort of transparency and fairness, I will share my own story. Scientific fascists had just invaded Earth and almost succeeded in wiping out every last trace of magic. My librarian and I defeated them and began to foster the rebirth of magic in reality 616. I decided to take a sabbatical to recover while it regrew when I found myself here.

May. 24th, 2019



Okay. The first few weeks after I got here were kind of a lot to handle. Overwhelming, I guess. I'm not really used to being a solid person, so. It's been a learning curve.

Anyway, I just figured I'd introduce myself a little better now that I'm up to it. I'm Ben Hargreeves, and you probably know my brother Klaus because he's the snack guy. I'm gonna be helping with that, I figure.

I read back some, and I'm looking forward to the library, and would also be happy and willing to help anywhere else that's needed?



May. 18th, 2019



I'm bored and looks like I missed two parties. What the hell?!

I need a little action. Who's in?

May. 15th, 2019



I've been sitting on this all weekend, but the seance was a success in my humble opinion. So thanks everyone who came out, I'll let you know when we're having the next one to try and reel in some more of my wayward siblings in the future. Now who's a disappointment, daddio????

May. 14th, 2019



Yeah, alright then, I guess I've been quiet enough on here. Can't just sulk around like a child, Right? Yeah. At least that's what I'm being told.

Hello! I'm Rose Tyler. I think I've introduced myself on here before. I can't really remember. But I guess I don't get out to really meet the people on here. And we kinda sorta have our own sorts of communicator so I figured I'd try this out before knocking on random doors to introduce myself.

So. Have we started using this thing as a sort of dating service yet?

May. 3rd, 2019



I know there seems to be some sort of consensus not to mess with these things that just randomly appeared, but well... a Ouija board under my pillow is a little too good to pass up.

Anyone wanna have a seance?

May. 1st, 2019


Anybody missing a cat? I came home to find a very handsome orange furry gentleman on my bed. I didn't know pets were a thing around here - wanted to make sure nobody's missing him. In lieu of that, see if anybody's got a can of tuna laying around or anything.

Apr. 28th, 2019


Since I'm not the only person here, anyone care to explain what the hell this place is? Don't bother with the where, that's obviously a dead-end. Let's start with the what and go from there because nothing about this place makes any kind of proper sense.

Apr. 26th, 2019



I've just got a random every day sort of query. Say someone was in need of some rope. Is there a stash of that somewhere? Or would another trip through the doors be necessary? Asking for a friend.

Apr. 23rd, 2019



'Scuse me, then? What the ever loving fuck is this all about?

Apr. 18th, 2019



So this dimension comes equipped with cell service. Great. So much for an off-the-grid getaway across the multiverse.

Now, does anyone have any weed?

Doctor Stephen Strange, MD. Which means I have a prescription, if need be.

Apr. 11th, 2019



If you're looking for snacks, for cigarettes, for music, just let me know. I take trades of all kinds for goods and services, as one does. Just think of me as your neighborhood bodega.

Apr. 5th, 2019



So those doors, they go anywhere? Do you get to choose where you go?

Mar. 17th, 2019



Okay, here's hoping this works.

My name is Carol Danvers. I'm still new here and working out the communications systems. From what I can tell, I don't recognize anyone from my universe (I'm guessing that's how we're referring to where we all come from?). I'm still getting a feel for this place, but in the meantime, I figure it would be good to know who everyone is and what we are all doing around here. Plus, it might be good to know if anyone else is from my part of the multi-dimensional sphere.



I talked to the guy who has some kind of flying suit, and there's a woman who makes portals (you should talk to Five, if he ever figures out where he's lost us), and there's magic users, but I just robbed a bodega. Who wants junk food? I know all about those heroics needing a lot of calories.

Oh, oh. If you come across people named Luther, Allison, Five, Ben, and Vanya Hargreeves, they're my brothers and sisters, and if you'll just tell them that Diego is here, they might relax. And we look nothing alike, so don't take that just on faith.



Hello, I'm Lily Potter. I've been here couple of days but I'm still very much adjusting to all of this. Is it true I'm not actually dead here?