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Feb. 15th, 2011


Lulled into Insecurity by WhiteCotton

Title: Lulled into Insecurity
Author: [info]whitecotton
Pairing: Severus/others
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 800
Warnings: None
Summary: The third time is a dream.
A/N: Thanks to everyone who participated, as writers, artists or commenters.

Lulled into Insecurity )

Feb. 6th, 2011


National Porn Sunday Snata (NC-17)

Title: National Porn Sunday Untitled Snata
Author: [info]faeryqueen
Pairing: Data/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Cyborg sex, slight crack
Disclaimer: The world and characters of Harry Potter and Star Trek belong to their respective creators. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: The XXX Church would like to help you combat porn/sex addiction. I, on the other hand, hope to drag you down to my party table in Hell. Torino, I am so glad you found that. Snow, thank you for making a short-notice fest. Torina, LD7...this one is for you. Many thanks to [info]roozetter for letting me bombard her with cyborg sex. This is set earlier in the same universe as this one. Also, I am saddened that there is no Data/Severus tag. *cries great crocodile tears of sadness*
Summary: Data decides he wants to try something new. Severus is his guinea pig.

Snata for National Porn Sunday...and Torina & LD7 )

Nov. 23rd, 2010


Bad Hair Days by StarDuchess

Title: Bad Hair Days
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Narcissa, Severus/Lucius
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 x 2
Warnings: none
Summary: The Malfoys pay visits to the Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Disclaimer: None of this is mine.
A/N: Written for Deathly Hallows Part 1 challenge and a response to the bad hair.

Bad Hair Days )


Nov. 8th, 2010


Choices, Choices by Scriblerian

Title: Choices, Choices
Author: </a>[info]scriblerian
Pairing: Severus/Harry/Draco (eventually)
Rating: R
Word Count: 1105
Warnings: snarkiness, threesome
Summary: Severus feels a bit neglected.  This leads to several unusual proposals.
Beta: none. This plotbunny attacked suddenly
A/N: A response to The Lucius Big Bang, in which I participated and which I enjoyed thoroughly. Severus, however, was left out a bit. This is my response to this unaccountable neglect of our favorite.

Oct. 27th, 2010



Title: Understanding
Author: BertaS
Date Written: Oct. 2010
Pairing: Severus Snape and Pomona Sprout
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 x 4
Warnings: rare pair – sexual situations – Het (Yes I said Het)
Summary: Severus and Pomona come to an understanding.
A/N: I am not sure what we were discussing on the group, maybe rare!pairs, but this is what came out.
Disclaimer: If I owned them I would have a lot more time to write.

“Understanding” )

Oct. 7th, 2010


Itch by BertaS

Title: Itch
Author: BertaS
Date Written: 10-7-10
Pairing: Severus / Arthur
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: none really, slash, could be considered infidelity I suppose.
Summary: It’s a drabble; a summery would spoil it.
A/N: Whoever suggested Severus and Arthur together, this is your fault. You know who you are. I am making no money on this, or anything else for that matter.

“Itch” )

Oct. 2nd, 2010



Title: Untitled
Author: faeryqueen
Pairings: Severus/various (and not all romantic, either!)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: Approx. 100 words each
Warnings: Implications of torture (first one only)
A/N: Thanks to dracosoftie, who beta’d for me, and [info]roozetter and [info]atypicalsnowman, who read it over and made sure it qualified. :D I’m posting this under the duress of a headache I’ve had for about 12 hours now, so please forgive me for not reading anyone else’s drabbles! I will get to them later this weekend.

Summary: “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever, the same.” ~ Anonymous

A Series of Relationships )


Fighting Ships by StarDuchess

Title: Fighting Ships
Author: starduchess
Pairing: Severus/various, mentions Lucius, Remus, Hermione, and Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warning(s): nudity, bad humor, meta
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter or Severus. Sigh.
Summary: Severus finds naked people in his chambers.
A/N: I've never written meta before. Hope this comes across okay.

There are people in his chambers. Naked people. )


Sep. 2nd, 2010


Why hello there, sexy...

Why hello there!!

So I have just been thoroughly chastised for not returning sooner to say hey. Which isn’t the same as ‘hay,’ so shut up about the horses.

I would love to say that I’m back for good, but for the time being, my soul has been lost to BBC Sherlock. *sobs* It’s not enough that I was blinded by the pretty that exists in BBC Merlin, then they had to put Sherlock out there. I’m drawing the line at Inception, though. Will. Not. Do. It.

But enough about that. Let’s talk about YOU!! How have you all been? I know Lucie broke her ankle. ): Don’t worry, Lucie-luv, we’ll all stand close enough so you can spank us without having to stress your leg!

Whitecotton: No clue if you’re around anymore, but I just wanted to say I heart your face and miss your voice, brief as it was when I heard it.

Snow: I follow you on Twitter and randomly IM, so I’m sure you know I love you too.

Torina: Threatening my House was a low blow, sister. And to think I was just revisiting my Snata notes... *shakes head sadly*

Everyone else: I love you all, too, but there are so many of you and so few hours left in which I can be not writing.

So I know I have been terribly remiss, and if it turns out I’ve been cast out of my House and must spend the rest of my life sitting in a pornless corner with a dunce cap on, then I will be the first to admit that I deserve it. True fact, my friends.

But if there is a small chance that I have remained in the good graces of even a few of you...then I come bearing gifts!

For the group as a whole )

For Torina )

Aug. 4th, 2010


Darkness Falls by Steampunk1850

Title: Darkness Falls
Artist:[info]anne19 (Steampunk1850)
Pairing: Severus x Hermione
Rating: PG
Medium: Poser 8 (computer program) and Pen and Pencil
Warnings: None
Theme: Quest
Prompt: The night falls on the shadows
Summary: When the time comes prepare with those you love.
A/N: When I had started this I had in mind a usual art piece like I always draw. Naked people doing naughty things together though didn't seem to be what wanted to come out on paper so I just went with it as it came. This piece is of Severus and Hermione before they set out to fight Voldie at Hogwarts.


Accounting for Regulus by pollicem

Title: Accounting for Regulus
Author: [info]pollicem
Pairing: Severus Snape/Regulus A. Black
Rating: R (for language and violence)
Word Count: ~4000
Warnings: canonical death
Theme: Love and Courtship
Prompt: Let slip the dogs of war
Summary: Marauders’ era, mostly within-canon. Severus and Regulus fall in love. You know exactly how it ends.
A/N: There are three different plotlines, happening at three different times in the characters’ lives. Their telling is intermingled, though linear within each storyline. (I fantasize about an upcoming extended edition.) Thanks to PrettyPettigrew (yay titles!), and Girlwithsixarms, and Jackie.

Accounting for Regulus )

Aug. 2nd, 2010


Severus Snape, Unspeakable, At Your Service by flaminia_x

Title: Severus Snape, Unspeakable, At Your Service
Author: [info]flaminia_x
Pairing: Gen – Cast, in addition to Snape, includes: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Minerva, Robards, Oliver Wood, one dead Death Eater and several Quidditch teams
Rating: PG
Word Count: 8,200
Warnings: None
Theme: Overcoming Adversity
Prompt: Bump in the Night
Summary: Really, the person that should be most trusted to be a spy should be the one with the most experience at it, don't you think?
A/N: I blame my overarching affection for murder mysteries and watching three seasons of Chuck back-to-back for this. Sort of.

Severus Snape, Unspeakable, At Your Service )

Jul. 19th, 2010


Author: Mrs Cake
Title: The Quest
Characters/Pairings: Severus/?/?
Rating: M
Kinks/Themes Included: Dub con, 3 some, bondage, toys, voyeurism
Other Warnings: only betaed by me so may have mistakes
Word Count: 725 (i can't write very short one's sorry)
Summary/Description: Someone has a quest to make Severus Scream

The Quest )

Jul. 15th, 2010


Lucky by Silenceberry

Title: Lucky
Author: [info]silenceberry
Pairing: Severus and ? (readers choice)
Rating: G
Word Count:167
Theme: Quest
Prompt: A trow of the dice
Warnings: None
Summary:Maybe a roll of dice is all it takes to win.
A/N:Sorry, no beta all errors are my mine.
I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I make money out of this writings.

Feb. 7th, 2010


Finally Fifty by Kyrie

Title: Finally Fifty
Author: Kyrie
Rating: PG… nah, probably G
Word Count: 1970
Pairing: Severus/0FC
Warnings: Het & Fluff Overdose Possible
Disclaimer: I don’t own Severus, although I wish I did. All Harry Potter characters are property of J K Rowling. Kyrie and her children are the only thing that is mine. And my cat would dispute even that.
Prompt: SeverusSighs Birthday Challenge for Severus’ fiftieth birthday prompt # 3. Severus sat back in his chair and surveyed the world they had created. He was satisfied.
Betas: lovetoseverus and Abigail
A/N: I need to take the time to thank both Abigail and lovetoseverus for betaing this bit of fluff. And to thank lovetoseverus for her suggestions as to how to better wrap up the ending as well as the title. Also, I want to remind you that I stole the name Kyrie from this character, who had been created for another fic. She came first, and so, is not in any way, shape, or form meant to be a Mary Sue.
Finally Fifty )

Jan. 11th, 2010


Any Other Way by Shan Chan

Title: Any Other Way
Author: [info]xdseme
Pairing: Severus and ?
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 962 give or take a few
Warnings: *mpreg*
Beta: [info]wildaboutharry and [info]shoeboxes4all
Disclaimer: All characters owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. No profit made on use of characters.
A/N: Severus Sighs Birthday Challenge prompt #3: ‘Severus sat back in his chair and surveyed the world they had created. He was satisfied.’ My first ever fic, I only decided last minute to write something, so it's rather late... Many thanks to my betas Jen and Shoebox!!! Couldn't have done it with out ya!!

Any Other Way )

Jan. 9th, 2010


The Bubbleknot Ritual

Title: The Bubbleknot Ritual
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Pairing: Severus/Harry/Luna
Word Count: 1,034
Rating: R
Beta: [info]xdseme
Disclaimer: All characters owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. No profit made on use of characters.
A/N: [info]severus_sighs Birthday Challenge, prompt used: “Severus opened his eyes, but it was a few seconds before what he was seeing registered with him”
This is the first time I’ve written Luna with anyone, I suspect she’s not exactly true to character but I have tried to catch her whimsical side. Obviously my Severus isn’t very canon anyway ;D but I do hope you like this.

Nov. 24th, 2009


Anything by thesewarmstars.

Title: Anything.
Author: [info]thesewarmstars.
Pairing: Severus/Dumbledore.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 318.
Warnings: D/s.
Summary: Severus is willing to do anything to ensure Lily’s sacrifice was not in vain.
A/N: Written for [info]severus_sighs Kink Night. My chosen prompts were Dumbledore’s desk, extreme D/s, and silence.
Also, I’m not earning any money from this story.

Anything )

Nov. 5th, 2009


A Dinner for Seduction by WhiteCotton

Title: A Dinner for Seduction
Author: WhiteCotton
Pairing: Severus/multiple
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2k+
Warning(s): None
Summary: Severus holds a dinner party, where the guests’ experience is revealed.
A/N: Written for [info]lemondropseven on her birthday. Have a good one, darling. Thanks to [info]atypicalsnowman for the beta.
I do not own or make any money from the characters or situations belonging, in all rights, to JK Rowling. (No shit, Sherlock.)

A Dinner for Seduction )

Nov. 1st, 2009


Muggles 'Я' Crazy by Kyrie

Title: Muggles 'Я' Crazy
Author: Kyrie
Rating: Torina!Safe, PG
Words: 693
Warnings: Het Relationship Implied
Disclamier: I own nothing... don't lt believe me, ask my cat.
Beta: Abigail

Muggles 'Я' Crazy )

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