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Posts Tagged: 'franz+d%27epinay'

Sep. 17th, 2011



Game 162

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 273, Afternoon
What: :)

[The arena has been dimly lit with torches that leave much of the area dark. Only a patch to the base of the Judge's statue has been lit, and from there eight more paths stretch out to doors that have been lit with colored torches according to each set of partner teams. Game Master's statue is seated on the throne, head turned beneath the hood to watch the incoming blanks.

—and then some dick started blowing a vuvuzela.]

Soldier!! You're going to ruin my game!

((Mingle | SOLDIER!!! | Rules and Explanation | Posts))

Sep. 14th, 2011




Who: LizardKing and friends!
Where: Lacerta
When: Day 271, FIRST SIGN OF TORCHLIGHT (baaaaackdated)

[possibly throughout the night, after a particularly loud bang on their door, any Lacertans who do not sleep well or possibly don't sleep at all, may have heard some noises coming from their front door. it's an eerie sort of sound, like something's trying to get in. dear god, what if it's the Old Man seeking entrance into their dorm this time--

except upon opening the door after the first torch is lit, they will find a certain Uroboros curled up and pressed to the door. appearing more disgruntled, unnerved, and hyper-alert than traumatized or anything.]

((note: since my schedule sucks balls, I'm throwing this up so ANTICS and discussion can happen when it can. I can and will poke at this post all evening though expect me to be uber slow from 4PM-midnight PST fffffff))

Sep. 13th, 2011




Who: Claude, Kazu, anyone
Where: Riverside, south end
When: Day 271, afternoonish
What: dehiatus two returrrns

[ two blonde dudes in white and purple are hanging out at the edge of the river! ...the younger kid keeps dunking his face into it for some reason while the bigger guy watches ]

Is it gone now?

...aah, well, it doesn't look like water's working too well... and it's kinda smeared all the more now...

Sep. 11th, 2011



Who: =:)
Where: Lacerta Gardens =:D
When: Day 270, afternoon

[There's a giant ant with a pink bow tied to one antenna, kneeling on its forelegs in front of the garden. Said antennae twitch and feel across the ground until carefully, caaaaaarefully, the ant reaches down with its mandibles and plucks out a weed. Then the antenea reach down again, searching.]


Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 270, afternoon
What: generic random happenstances

[Which is to say, this is a mingle post. Whatever you're doing today, on this fine day 270 afternoon, you may do it here.]

Sep. 9th, 2011




Who: Hydracula, Allen, Tsuna, other visitors
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Day 269, Late evening before curfew (backdate)

[SO. THERE IS A HUMAN LEG SITTING IN THE SHARED DOWNSTAIRS BEDROOM. What are we going to tell the guests you guys.]

We need to do something with this . . .

Sep. 7th, 2011




Who: Franz and whoever
Where: Lacerta, or outside
When: Day 269, Evening
What: New arrival

[There's someone completely new hanging around inside or just outside Lacerta wearing an uniform and looking rather confused, but not enough to approach people yet.]