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Posts Tagged: '%7Eshadow'

Oct. 27th, 2010




Who: Those who rise early, those who rest late
Where: The main cavern shared by Delpavo, Lacanis, and Bunnycorn
When: Day 185, early, early morning
What: A task

[The torchlight has barely begun to brighten; even now, it’s low enough that all colours seem muted into shades of grey. The odd beebat still flies here and there, visiting gardens the blanks have cultivated close to their homes, their high-pitched calls inaudible to all but the most sensitive ears.

And there is soft, soft knocking upon this door, and that door, and the next; and a presence through the caverns that leaves flickering torches and insistent shadows in its wake.]

Blanks of Sabra La Tau, who will answer my call?

I would ask tribute of you this day.

Oct. 7th, 2010



Who: Those with eyes to see and ears to hear
Where: Around the main communal cavern
When: Day 177, evening
What: A sound, a noise

[Dark, so dark. Darkness that is the utter lack of light, the truest black, where even the lowest of low-light visions fail, unable to make out anything at all. Darkness like that plays tricks on you, magnifying sounds, making every breath of moved air something that could be moving beside you, under you, or all around.

And in that dark, Monoceros and Lepus, Canis and Delphinus, there is the sound of something knocking, softly, upon your doors.]

Sep. 20th, 2010




Who: A couple lost bunnycorns
Where: CAVES OF DESPAAAIR--nah just some wayward tunnels
When: Day 1??
What: LOST

(. . .so that last left was probably another wrong turn.)

Jul. 22nd, 2010




Who: Allen + Scowl, aaanyone
Where: Hydracula territory
When: Day 151, morning
What: screw feelings, let's build something

[Allen is comin' over with some SHROOM WOOD


It's Allen!

Jul. 17th, 2010



Game 97, end

Who: All units
Where: The Arena
When: Day 148, late evening
What: Game 97, endgame

[Far, far later into the night, the torches dim, and once again the lids of the stone boxes will not be moved.]

Vulpecula and Lepus, Canis and Lynx, Corvus and Cygnus. Pavo and Hydra and Monoceros, Lacerta and Delphinus, Orion and Cepheus and Pyxis.


You have played well. I bid you rest.

[Shadows spread like cracks over the stone table, cast by four wizened, stunted bushes, the fruit on their branches soft grey in what remains of the arena light. The blanks for whom the fruit grows ripe know instinctively which is theirs.]

Jul. 16th, 2010



Game 97, cont.

[For all your continuation needs.]



Game 97

Who: All units
Where: The Arena
When: Day 148, late evening
What: Game 97

[The call that echoes out from the arena this evening has no voice human ears can hear. Some few may hear a whistle, high and sweet. For all others, the call comes in how the torches of the main caverns flicker and flare in the sound's wake, sending long shadows dancing over the cavern walls.

The lights steady and dim. Colours fade and only one shadow remains, stretching unerringly, no matter how one moves, to the arena's entrance.]

Come fox and hare, come dog and cat, come crow and noble swan. Come hundred-eyes, come many-heads, come single crowning horn. Come lizard sharp and dolphin swift, come hunter proud and royal crowned and ship's unerring guide.

Come serpent dark, and sheathe your fangs; there is no need for them to shine.

I wish to play a game.

Jun. 19th, 2010



Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 140

[The Call that resounds from the Arena is loud, echoing even to every part of Sabra. A regal crescendo of notes and then anticipatory silence. Should you follow it today, the Arena is not any landscape you have seen before...

Simple darkness fills your vision, no delineation of up or down, walls or even the floor. You can only see the throne in the far off distance, and three pathways each covered with a lush carpet: Green, Black with white trim, and Yellow. They bear the sigil of a hydra, a skeletal snake and a club embossed into the weave. Should you turn around, there is no exit yet, but there is a small table, filled with punch, and several large party platters filled with cold cuts, olives and the occasional odd vegetable.]

[However, should you follow any of the pathways, the landscape begins to change...]

((OOC note: We're trying something different this time! You can walk towards any other landscape to get to that table! Ophi and Hydra's tables require no walking between, really.

Judges, feel free to show up as you will, same rules as usual!))

May. 7th, 2010




Who: a Pyxis and a Monoceros + others
Where: near the lake
When: Day 128, late evening

[two very bedraggled blanks are making their way around the lake shore from the waterfall area. both appear to be exhausted and drenched as they stumble towards their dorms]

Apr. 28th, 2010




Who: Poppy, Quartz, anyone in the area?
Where: Hydracula area
When: Day 126, late morning
What: Tiny detective and wolf! Looking for Rainbow

[A wolf with a tiny detective on his back is jumping onto the hydracula area! They land relatively safely. There was some scrambling to not fall off there]

We're here.

Apr. 21st, 2010



Game 85

Who: Those invited, and perhaps those not
Where: The Arena
When: Day 124, evening
What: A game

[This evening, as you walk, you may find the torches flickering, casting odd shadows on the walls, and leading back, back to where the statue in arena waits.

The light here is pale, an arctic dawn that never truly becomes day, but a cluster of torches in the arena's centre gives more than enough light to see the nine closed rooms circling the judge's throne. The statue itself is shaped of dull obsidian; while it's hard to tell from the shape itself, the judge's statue shows a older child, legs drawn up, fingers held to make the shape of a fatty lizard against the wall.]

Come. Cepheus and Cygnus, Pyxis and Lepus, Pavo and Delphinus.

Be my pieces. I wish to play a game.

[Mingle | Rules | Cards | Game | Accusations | Endgame | Memories]