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Posts Tagged: '%7Bjack/tyler+durden%7D'

Nov. 16th, 2010



Who: =D
Where: Common area
When: Day 193, late morning

[So a furry in corvus purple and a vampire in del blue approach the outskirts of the common area. Notably their uniforms are the old style, and both seem to lack bracers. ]

OK, I got it this time now fer sure. I know there's gotta be some folk down this way.

I am done listening to your directions.

Well fine! Why don't you just leave then. All you do is be a big grumpy jerk with stupid skin that closes too fast anyway!

Nov. 15th, 2010



Who: Rainbow, Guillotine and YOU.
When: Day 192, evening after earthquakes.

[Rainbow is walking around dorms areas BANGING LOUDLY ON A POT. BRING OUT YOUR DEAD-- I mean, let's have SRS MEETINGS]




Who: Delpavo!
When: Day 192, right after that quake thingy

[WELL GEE I HOPE our roof cage didn't collapse on itself. Running out to check the damage]

Nov. 14th, 2010



Who: Mirror + various
Where: Various dorms, then ???
When: Day 192 (from early morning until whenever, to work around timespace shenanigans)
What: Penalties!

[The day after the two Lepus team members departed ... There's a familiar presence moving through Sabra, knocking on your doors and catching you out by the lake, depending on where you are.]

(( OOC: I will start threads for each character! Please indicate your location (in the dorms, out by the lake, wherever) when you first comment to your thread. After you're done, you may use this post to RP fallout/coming back from Mirror if you want. ))

Nov. 9th, 2010



Who: Delphinus + visitors
Where: Delphinus dorms
When: Day 189, night

[so tyler is PRETTY CHEERILY heading into the Delphinus dorms and sitting down at the table. With a bruised face and a nose that may or may not be broken.

... but hey memories right guys]

Nov. 8th, 2010



Who: Syaoran, Watanuki + anyone
Where: The lake
When: Day 189, evening.
What: Shenanigans

[So, this happened! And now a pair of soaking-wet noodles are crawling back out of the lake.

This one is trying very hard not to have a panic attack right then and there.]

Oct. 29th, 2010




Who: Anyone
Where: Some Common Area or other.
When: Day 186, midday
What: Hey blanks hey blanks!!

[As it says, the new Ophi is wandering around and hanging out in various common areas, watching the coloured blanks and occasionally going up to introduce himself]

Hi there! I'm Smoke and I'm new here. It's nice to meet you, okaaaay?

Oct. 26th, 2010




Who: Pavo and visitors
Where: Pavo dorm
When: Day 185, noon
What: new peacock. and lunch

[Someone's poking around in the kitchen. :ooo]

Oct. 16th, 2010




Who: DelPavo and friends!
Where: The DelPavo area
When: Day 180, after good ends

[this little srsdolphin looks very intrigued by the dorms! after examining all of outer structure/garden, and the like, he heads inside and starts poking things in the kitchen]

Oct. 3rd, 2010




Who: Lyvus & visitors
Where: Lynx dorms
When: Day 177, late morning
What: Housekeeping, actual and metaphorical!

[Royal is cooking and cleaning triple the amount this morning, and has pretty much put everybody else on Lynx and Corvus work, too. It looks like they've been up for a while]


Who: Watanuki + Aeris + everyone
Where: Inside your dreeeeeams
When: Day 176, night. (after Allen's return.)
What: Watanuki and Aeris go dreamwalking. Shenanigans ensue!

[Watanuki would be a pretty damn competent dreamwalker ... if he had all of the relevant memories back. As it is, he has the power required but not the control. Which means that his forays into the dreamworld lead to a big fat interconnected mess of unconscious psyche.

What are you dreaming about tonight?]

(( OOC: Dreampost! This is done CFUD-style. For those not familiar with that, here's how it works:

A) If you comment to the post, you're hosting a dream of your own. People can comment to you as part of the dream (i.e., you dreaming about them in your head) or as a connected interloper.
B) Similarly, if you comment to someone else's thread, you're either part of their dream or crossing over from yours to theirs.
C) Feel free to remember as much of (or as little of) the dreams as you like.
D) If you're participating, then your bracer is open a tiiiny crack or two during slumber. Or otherwise briefly permeable.
E) Watanuki (and probably Aeris) will be out and about, but not commenting to everyone. Ping us if you want one of us in particular. ))


Who: Delphinus + visitors :)
Where: Delphinus dorm area
When: Day 176, post-game

[So if you're on Delphinus, coming back from the game, and were around when "Raymond" made soap the first time, the stench of boiling fat is probably familiar.

... If not, well. There's a first time for everything. At least he's doing it outside this time?]

Sep. 29th, 2010




Who: Pokeblanks
Where: The Arena Again!1
When: Day 175, eeearly morning

M-man we had to get up before everyone... OKAY, ATTENTION ALL POKEMON AND TRAINERS, report to the arena for some special exercises!


OKAY DUDES you have until 7pm Friday EST to complete these tasks! They are all definitely NOT mandatory, but the more you complete, the better! There will be a special battle tomorrow night only, but don't fret much if you miss it o7 FOR ANY QUICK QUESTIONS just yell at me on IRC.))

Sep. 11th, 2010




Who: Whoever
Where: Delphinus roof-pen
When: Day 169, morning
What: \o/?!

[Ed was Surgeonnapped after personality-switch game 8|. And Zero is a goat!!1 I don't even...

Waiting around on the roof, giving goat!Zero more milkweed and oats over the side of the pen...]

Sep. 7th, 2010



Who: serious dolphins ( and I guess whoever?!? )
Where: Delphinus
When: Day 167, EARL...Y... ISH...?
What: Memories~ memories~

Sep. 5th, 2010




When: Day 166, post-endings
What: Sick people, drunk people, sick and drunk people


Sep. 3rd, 2010



Who: Delphinus, visitors
Where: Delphinus.
When: Day 165, sometime after the game.


Sep. 2nd, 2010



[Game 106]

Who: Everyone
Where: The arena
When: Day 165, morning
What: A Game

[The bright vibrant call of a horn echoes through the caves today, calling all blanks to the arena. Those who listen closely as they go might be able to hear the sound of feet beating the ground in pursuit, an unfamiliar howl, and the sound of dogs—true dogs, and not those yapping runts that Soldier calls dogs—baying at their prey.

Upon entering the arena, they look upon a statue of a woman with a bow and arrow clutched in hand. The arrow is notched, aimed at the entry to the arena, looking as though it could let loose and pierce the heart of any hapless blank who would linger too long before entering. The statue's dress is simple, a short skirt and cloth draped across her shoulder, leaving her breast exposed.

On the top of the pedestal, high above the ground a large beast lays resting in wait for his master. His massive body curls easily about the statue's feet. Pitch black fur covers his sides as they heave in and out with the steady breath of his sleeping. His face is curled toward the statue, obscured by two giant paws.

As the blanks gather, the horn sounds again and the statue speaks out in a loud clear voice.]

Come, blanks of Sabra la Tau, the hunt has been delayed for far too long.

[Rules | Mingle | Sign In | Vulpecula | Hydra | Pyxis | Cygnus | Monoceros | Cepheus | Orion/Lepus | Canis | Lacerta | Delphinus/Pavo | Corvus | Lynx | Endgame | Memories]

Suggestion Box! for those interested

Sep. 1st, 2010



Who: Soujirou! Whoever
Where: On the way back to Del from the caves
When: Day 164, evening

[ One Delphinus is heading home. A little scratched, but mostly fine. Also carrying a chunk of lizard leg :|a . . . ]

Aug. 30th, 2010



Who: CORNELIUS!! + Delphinus
Where: Just outside Delphinus dorms
When: Day 163, late evening
What: Depillaring fun times!

[So, anyone who might be in the Delpavo area. There's a Delphinus member (with an outdated uniform) sitting outside his dorm, leaning against one of the walls with his head in his hands.

Welcome him back if you recognize him, boggle if you don't! Either way, he probably won't be cheered up very much.]