June 2013



Layout By

January 6th, 2012




Who: All Ophi, traitor and loyal, all Blanks. Good ended DO NOT hear the call, but can come
Where: The Arena
When: :)
What: Ladies and Gentleman, we understand that you have come to bear witness to the sound of drums and bass.

[As you enter the arena today, it is like you have stepped into a gala floor. Round tables with black and white checkers are arranged in a semi circle around the southern corners of the room, leaving the vast majority of the marble floor open for dancing. Austere marble pillars break the expanse of the floor in neat rows, affording a couple a moment of privacy as needed. Against the east wall, a bar is set with several classy appetizers, and a single platter of ten shrimp next to a crystal punch bowl.

At the very end of the expansive room, a black marble stage has a band set up, and ready to play. Behind that, stretching up and up, is a regal black throne. No one sits on it yet.

The double doors close after the last of you with a certain finality.]

Welcome, my dear blanks. And welcome to your guests as well! Quite unexpected to see so many familiar faces again. It does bring back memories, doesn't it?

I do hope you'll find the festivities to your liking. I know we've had our differences in the past, but I've put quite a bit of effort into ensuring that everything goes perfectly. As long as everyone, and that does include the delightful guests you've brought along, stays on their best behavior, I think we'll get along quite nicely.

((OOC: WE BEGIN! First event begins in an hour 8PM EST.)

[ Mingle || HORN!!!! || Rules :) || PART TWO])




Where: The Arena
When: >(

[Lightning arcs through the air, spreading out just over the heads of the gathered blanks with deafening thunder. Where it strikes the walls the marble chips and cracks, leaving small craters dotting the pristine surfaces. The face of King's statue is contorted in plain displeasure. Each time you blink, his gaze falls on a different person.]

That is quite enough. Let's have no more of these childish shenanigans. My patience has worn thin enough already, blanks.

Will you be handing over the keystones, yes or no?

[React || TRICKSTER || King Keystone Retrieval ]


Who: ???
Where: ???
When: ???
What: ???

[You are in white space, floating gently on your back. It's comfortable and warm. The lassitude in the air seeps into your muscles, letting you truly relax. Pushed by something unseen, you rock gently in that empty space, as if floating on small, rolling waves.

Everything is calm and comfortable. What were you just doing? You can't quite fish up the memory but you have a vague, muted anxiety that it was important.

Something urges you quietly to just give it up, just forget.

As you drift... you see someone sitting next to you, calm, understanding...]

Claude | Lenalee | Tazendra | Edward | Maya | Zelgadis | Trixie | Chrono | Alice | Chaz | Rory | Rapunzel | Kenshin | Kurow | Arson | Scowl | Tailmon | Red | Mitsuru | Crown | Razzy | Badger | Shiki | Itachi | Yayoi | Akin | Sharks | Kazuha | Jinx | Lucky | Merry | Ikki | Link | Aoko | Aeris | Kaito | Taisuke | Hizumi | Flonne | Quartz | Parrot | Jace | Kurono | Anchor | Bombastic | Trigger | Flames | Amy | Thistle | Haruto | Allen | Violet | Dean | Almaz | Gray | Blaze | Kohaku | Tifa | Mikiya | Lotus | Poppy | Emil | Apple | Peter | Elgala | Albert | Emiri | Erik | Charles | Impmon | Kururu |