June 2013



Layout By

September 1st, 2011



Who: Lacerta!
Where: Lacerta dorms
When: Day 267, Evening

[There's a curious rapping and scratching at Lacerta's door during dinner this evening.]

Hello? Are my lizards in this evening?


Who: Delphinus and company.
Where: Delphinus commons.
When: Day 267, after dinner.
What: memories, "honesty", other dolphin-like things.

[after the dishes have been cleared off the table, Thistle is sitting there, toying with a handful of memories. not quite desert, and yet...]


Where: The barracks
When: Day 267, evening

[The change this evening comes sometime after dinner. Rattling the dishes and tables, the movement of the Guardian really is almost a familiar sound by now... but the changes are anything but.

Caduceus enjoys the first place and Uroboros falls to last, making it more than a little unusual evening to say the least. That alone would have been enough if it were not for what followed:]

Gather, Ophiuchusssss. I have both an order and sssservicccce from the King.


Who: Ophiuchus
Where: Ophiuchus
When: Day 267, late afternoon
What: ...

[It's later in the afternoon, so maybe there aren't that many people inside right now. Maybe there are. Either way, whoever is in Ophiuchus may want to get away from any metal objects they were using or standing near, because without warning many of them start to shake violently. Some spin off and slam into the walls. Others warp and twist out of shape. This lasts for a few seconds before it dies down, everything settling back into being inconspicuous and inanimate.

There may have been a faint muffled yell from the Uraeus wing during the commotion, but you'd have to be pretty close by to have heard it.]

(OOC: Erik will not be responding to this unless you go to his room, at which point be prepared for a violent reception :|d.)


Who: Lyvus, plus Parrot
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 267, backdated afternoon, specifically shortly after this.
What: Sane Robot Man is Not Sane.

[What started out as the best day ever has now become the worse.]

[So now Rory is opening the door to Lyvus, body rigid and tense, and looking like he's just on the verge of completely losing it.]