June 2013



Layout By

July 23rd, 2011




Who: Lelouch
Where: Lacerta
When: Day 255, just after the game

[by problems I mean Cobra, knock knock Lacerta]




Who: Scowl, other people crazy enough to be away from home this late
Where: THE WILDERNESS!!11/an abandoned dorm
When: Day 255, Not long before Curfew

[After successfully sneaking away from the game, Scowl is taking a longer route home, cutting through the abandoned city so he can circle around the back of the cove to get to the abandoned dorms on the other side. He's making pretty good time thanks to the AT he's kept with himself.]



Game 156

Who: Everybody~
Where: Arena
When: Day 255, eveningtime
What: :3(\

[ The OMINOUSLY FOREBODING CALL OF DOOM that summons you to the Arena this evening......... the giggling of teenage girls in triplicate. And a dramatic sigh or two. As you arrive you might just be in time to catch part of a conversation: ]

--and it’s been like, y’know, so boring lately, right? Ugh. And I mean all that dark emo stuff’s kinda hot sometimes, but it gets like so totally old when like, everyone’s doing it. So not cute.

I know, right? It’s totally up to us now. Let’s do something fun for a change.

[[ Links: Signup here!! | Mingle | Groups | The Setup | Rules | Group threads: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4Kids | Catwalk of Shame | Endgame |




Who: Cetus, visitors
Where: Cetus
When: Day 256, early morning
What: Memories for Cetus and post-game things!!

[Elliot is sitting at Cetus' table, shirt off, trying to scrape off something sparkly from it with a knife. You might also notice a nipple piercing if you're looking. Or the pile of memories sitting nearby.

He may also be cursing.]




When: Day 256, morning

[Oh good, Scowl's come home! Wait, no, that's a wooden dummy that Lucky stayed up all night carving, put into a spare Hydra uniform, drew a frowny face on, and then propped up at the table. CARRY ON.]

Who wants breakfaaast?




Who: Lyvus & visitors
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 256, first thing in the morning
What: Breakfast!

[It's hard to tell if Lelouch actually slept at night, he's up so early and basically . . . cooking the most elaborate breakfast possible for team. The table already has food set out, and if you're looking for Lelouch, he's still in the kitchen. Forever. Cook all the feelings.]


Who: Azula, Syaoran, ??
Where: Just outside Ophi
When: Day 256, late morning
What: stuff!!

[there is an Ophi sitting out! chilling. with a bowl of cherries. as she does.]

Ugh, sometimes it's just much too cramped in there.




Who: Beardog
Where: Canis dorms
When: Day 255, after the game
What: Cookies! And maybe partnerteam bonding I guess

*tonight in beardog the Canis common room is featuring a nice small chest full of cookies, which clearly must be consumed. also there is delicious tea :3*

It wouldn't be bad if there were more games like today's, I think...




Who: Anyone out in the city
Where: The ruins
When: Day 256, late morning through afternoon
What: Finding his damn team

[You know what, it's been two days, one game, and a very, very creepy wooden replica of Scowl in Hydracula later, that a shark has had enough fucks. Yes, threshold has been far exceeded and he is giving no more of them as a general rule.

He skates through the rubble and fatty lizard ruined walls near one of the major grazing sites, approaching the old Hydra city, senses alert for either scent, faint as one might be.]