June 2013



Layout By

January 10th, 2011




Who: Orion, anyone who'd stop by
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 203, post meeting
What: An experiment, and learning the new game system

[Dragging a bed out into the common room one-handed isn't exactly easy, and Mitsuru isn't particularly strong, but by icing the floor to help slide it, it is a thing that is getting (very slowly) done.]

[When he's finished with that, he is clearing everything out of his room from the floor, taking down the wallshelves from that solo mission, and moving those out, too.]




Who: Shift and whoever
Where: Main caverns
When: Day 204,
What: Vengeance

[A three-winged plant-angel has been flitting about near the ceilings of the caves, stopping to hide on high ledges and other outcroppings. Why is he doing that?

Well he decided he'd spend the morning sniping random people with a rifle in a fit of petty vengeance for Hydracula trampling him the other day. He's not even too bad a shot. I'm sure there are plenty of people that need to be punished. And if he ends up hitting some innocent people, well, they're rubber bullets anyway.]

((ooc: comedic injury preferred))




Who: Hydracula
Where: Vulpecula
When: Day 204, morning
What: Look what the stork brought

[.................wtf this place]


Who: Lyvus
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 204
What: THINGS teammates need to know.

[Right, Brass has some things to tell you guys that is important.]


Who: Watanuki + anybody
Where: Lacerta dorms
When: Day 204, morning
What: Poking at the dorm-building supplies and avoiding mud

[Well, that sure is a lot of mud and water out there. Watanuki haaates dirt even under the best of circumstances; all this pillar contamination is even worse. He's barely left the dorm since the Lacerta garden went under. ... the lack of getting out has given him plenty of time to fiddle with dorm-making supplies, at least. he's busily constructing some designs on the Lacerta common room table.]

We're definitely going to need a bigger kitchen.