June 2013



Layout By

December 9th, 2010



Who: Guests, invited or otherwise.
Where: The Nest of the Royal Family, Crystal City
When: King's Year 198, early spring
What: The annual Flight of the Swan ball is opening…

[As the air began to warm, the invitations went out: a pair of pure white swan feathers, tied in a ribbon of royal pink. And now, the night of the ball opens up, inviting young and old from near and far to the ballrooms of the Royal Nest. As is common since King Charles ascended the throne, a good number of the invitations have been received by those judged worthy but of common ancestry. Of course, there's always the party crashers or being part of the extra staff hired to accommodate the number of guests, if you weren't lucky enough to rate one of the special invitations…

Whoever you are, as proof that you've been invited, you have obtained one of the swan feathers from the private aviaries of the royal family (or had it given to you as part of your uniform) and worn it as a sign that you definitely belong at the opening of the social Season of Cygnus. And now, brilliant harps sounds softly under proud trumpets and soft flutes, as the doors of gold and crystal open to admit the guests into the great crystal chambers and into presence of the Royal Family…]


Who: Buttercup and Altjira + folks in Lacerta
Where: Feramis' cottage
When: King's Year 196, Spring
What: Kidnappings~

[it's a beautiful spring day in the Lacerta neighborhood. Ter is sitting in his garden chair with a ball of yarn, which he is carefully knitting into socks. nothing unexpected could possibly happen today!]