June 2013



Layout By

August 29th, 2010



Who: Nabuca + Mirror
Where: ???
When: Day ???
What: Punishment for Corvus~

[When Nabuca comes to, he finds himself in a strange room. The floor, the walls, even the ceiling -- everything is covered with mirrors and glass, through which he can see various Blanks' reflections. There's also a cot in the middle of the room, with leather straps clearly meant for holding people down. Otherwise, there's nothing here.]



Game 105

Who: Anyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 162, evening
What: Let’s play

[The sound of bleating goats attracts you to the arena. A new statue sits on the throne.]

Put those silly toys away and entertain me, blanks.

[There are 7 doors. Each door is in the colors of the respective partner teams.]

[Sign-in | Mingle | Game Start | Endgame | Memories]

((OOC: 1) Any weapons you brought into the arena have been turned into harmless cardboard/foam/plastic versions. Weapons that are irremovable from your person have been wrapped in plastic and tagged 'not-child safe'. 2) Attempts at cursing will be censored ala FF7's '@(#$%!'
Please play only one character. If you missed the earlier sign up, you can still sign in now.
Please PM The^Kid /ping Toboe if you have any questions.))

Pavo has jerks?

Who: Pavo, Theres, People who would visit Pavo
Where: Delpavo
When: Day 162, late evening
What: Storyteller task.

[There is a repeated knocking on Pavo's door, it sounds very determined and it's not likely to go away. In fact there is also the odd banging sound on the door as if it was hit by metal.]

Open! I have thing to do!


Who: Canis, visitors
Where: Canis dorms
When: Day 162, after the game
What: Doctor returning from an internship.

Well, I see things didn't fall apart completely while I was gone.




Who: Lepus, Monoceros, any of you interlopers who typically wander past Bunnycorn territory
Where: Bunnycorn territory
When: Day 163, after breakfast
What: Breaking stuff Memories

[If there was anything so delicate as glass or china that had survived the previous purges of breakable objects, the number of memory berries currently in and around the Lepus dorms would make a very nice fruit bowl.

As it is, you could make a little tower out of them.

A little berry fortress.

and then stare at it.

and stare.

with absolute conviction that the forces inside that little fortress exist for the sole purpose of tearing out your heart.

Stupid memories.]




Who: Himiko, anyone
Where: everywhere
When: Day 163, morning
What: patrolling!

[Himiko is patrolling! On the lookout for signs of any rule breaking. Mostly, she's just bored and trying to finish her rounds soon.]

((OOC: Generic mingle post.))




Who: Allen
Where: Lacerta dorms
When: Day 163
What: SICK

[The second-youngest Lacerta has been nowhere to be found since Mirror's game. That would be because he is terribly sick. High fever, barely moving, lancing headache, wheezing and wet coughing, dilated eyes that can't handle any light at all. Occasional mumbling for someone who isn't there to shut up and leave him alone already. Worst of all, hasn't eaten in days. He might be dying.

Man, an illness that bad around here might be cause for worry. Where did he catch it? And what if it's contagious!

Of course, you'd have to know it's happening.]