June 2013



Layout By

August 18th, 2010




Who: Trixie, Vulpecula, anyone?
Where: A… cave-y place.
When: Day 159, mid-ish evening
What: A CAVE-IN.

[Clearly, ditching her teammates so that she could go exploring (and treasure hunting!) had been a really awesome idea. G-Getting trapped in a cave-in? Nnnnnot so much. Fffffffffffffffffff.

Trixie comes to slowly. Pain and disorientation are the first things she feels, followed a kind of dull, woozy panic.]




Who: Taiki, Kohaku
Where: Between Cygnus dorms and the Lake
When: Day 159, middle of the night
What: a wayward duckling

[At some point in the night while everyone was presumably asleep, Taiki sneaks out. Despite it not being the best of ideas, he can't stay still. At first it's just to check on the garden, but he soon gets distracted and starts wandering in the direction of the lake.]




Who: Grimy children
Where: the north baths.
When: Day 159, practically bedtime
What: Getting clean before bed.

[ARE YOU TIRED OF DAY 159 YET? LINK SURE IS!! But he was on the way to Lacerta sleepover after paintballoon game, and grabbed soap and stopped by the baths with Ed so they could clean off, since it was on the way to the sleepover from the Arena anyhow.

Trying hard not to be impatient after scrubbing off his arm, the only part that was covered in paint.]




Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 160, morning
What: DAY TWO~ aka storytiems with Librarian (and perhaps a few others)

[There's no official call this morning, but you may find yourself drawn to the arena nonetheless. Librarian's and Mirror's statues are both in attendance.]

I refuse to allow this experiment of yours to go any further. Do you know how much extra work this causes for me when you -- you change things?

Such a minor change, though. Such a small change.

Even so.

It would go faster if you helped me. Just a little, hmm? A few hours and a story or two.



If you promise that it will shorten the time they will remain in this -- state.

Of course.

(( OOC: THIS IS GONNA BE PRETTY CASUAL GUYS also I am not feeling all that great, so apologies in advance if things cut out early. ETA: Angel is helping run Fantasy! All three books will start on the hour. ))