June 2013



Layout By

January 23rd, 2010




Who: Lacerta et al
Where: Lakeside
When: Day 101, mid-morning
What: lizard bonding

[Upon the Sudden Idea, Lacerta has PACKED BREAKFAST. It is time for a picnic!]

Here is fine.




Who: YOU
Where: The arena
When: Day 101, morning
What: Game 70

[In the center of the arena today stands the statue of the Twins, identical faces smiling just slightly, each with a hand frozen in raised greeting. The single long table before the throne is lined with chairs enough for every blank to take a seat, and each place has been set with cutlery and a plate of polished wood. In the center of the table, low bowls in each of the team colors are arranged, their hues setting off the strange, shimmering grey of the flowers that float in the water they contain. Hedged in around the bowls, almost crowding them out, is food- melons, peaches, grapes; an assortment of cheese, yellow, white, and red; and soft, savory rolls with plates of creamy herb butter.]

[The voice that speaks is light and playful- amused.]

A pleasant morning to you, little blanks. I had such fun with our last game that I've decided to arrange another, and my charming sister has agreed to lend her assistance again.

Do help yourselves to the refreshments, won't you? We'll begin shortly.

[OOC- No matter where the members of Orion sit, there seems to be a small but inconveniently-placed spring poking out of each of their respective chairs. Wherever Badger sits, if he is present, he finds himself with five (5) sets of cutlery.]

(( Mingle
Winner announcements




Who: Vulpecula and anyone else
Where: Vulpecula dorms
When: Day 101, after Twins game
What: Alcohol!!

[On the table, there are some alcohol taken from Lucky's room]

I've been wanting to try these.




Who: YOU
Where: The arena
When: Day 101, morning
What: Game 70 endgame

Congratulations, little blanks, on another game well played.

And congratulations as well to those of you who have won prizes. We trust you'll put them someplace on prominent display. Surely any visitors to your dorms will be impressed by the achievements~.




Who: Anyone
Where: Somewhere around the far side of the lake
When: Day 101, morning

[A sharkling and a crow are out looking for delicious honey-blooded creatures~ They seem more lost than anything else.]

Ah... while they ARE delicious... I'm not sure if this is a great idea...




Who: Cygnus + anyone else who stops by.
Where: Cygnus dorms
When: Day 101, after dinner
What: Let's contemplate our memory berries.

...I have everyone's memories from last game.



Game 2328

\/\/h0: all
Where: the arena
Time: Day 101 evening

The Arena today is not as it usually is. The light coming down is only in patches, as if being shown through a decaying screen. Where the light touches, the ruined buildings stand exactly as they once must have: tall, proud and glistening. But there are patches of darkness as well, much darker simply than the absence of light. Where these touch the scenery, it becomes faded and translucent- like a tapestry partially unwoven.

It's hard to tell if the throne is empty or not. Looking straight on, there is no Judge to be seen, but maybe out of the corner of your eye, if you're not quite paying attention, there will be a woman with a scarf on her head and a loom sitting in her lap. Even unable to look her straight on, her face is beautiful, if wrinkled and she's smiling gently.

In front of her, there are twelve large looms, each strung up with the teams' respective colors.




Who: Claude, Hako, Kururu, etc
Where: Riverside, out from the forge zone
When: Day 101, early early early early
What: Mining expedition returns!

* at a completely unreasonable hour of the morning, three very exhausted, thirsty, sweaty, achy Blanks stumble towards glorious WATER!!!11 with their respective loads of precious cargo *




Who: Pavo and anyone stopping by
Where: Outside and in the Pavo dorms
When: Day 101, after the game
What: Catching up

[Leggings still mostly shredded, sandals in not much better shape, smelling of river and volcano and just a bit like blood, and falling asleep on her feet, a Pavo is finally wandering home.]

Mmm . . . bath? But . . . sleep would be really good too . . .