June 2013



Layout By

December 1st, 2009




Who: Yuffie and ANYBODY.
Where: Near Vulpecula.
When: Day 85, morningly I guess.
What: WOW LOOK STUFF. Also, new Blank is new.

[There is a small currently-not!ninja ninja being insufferably nosy in the Vulpecula dorm area. She is examining everything. Everything. Is it valuable? Is it yours? Is it more comfortable to walk on her hands than her feet? WHY YES IT IS but only for a few minutes at a time.

… Please also note that she has taken off her leggings. They suck.]



game 61, night two.

Who: Those in Veiled's game.
Where: Veiled's realm.
When: Day xx+1, ?????.
What: Night two.

[it is getting dark again. and now, there room has rearanged itself into two piles of cushions: one for Cepheus and one for Canis.]

You have chosen Cepheus and Canis. Inform the blank when you have made your choice. I trust you remember the rules at this point.

[now, VOTE. Cepheus is here: Canis is here, judge should you need her is here. alternately, because the judge needs to go home, email--cookiepirate at gmail.com]



game 61, day three.

Who: Those in Veiled's game.
Where: Veiled's realm.
When: Day xx+2, ?????.
What: Day 3.

[everything goes completely dark, suddenly--and then as if nothing had happened, the light resumes, with one less person among you.]

By your hand, Canis was removed. Let us continue.

[don't forget to VOTE.][work for your CLUE --judge out until ousting, email is Your Friend, etc.]




Who: Pavo
Where: Pavo dorms
When: Day 85, brunch
What: DELICIOUS MEAT and also memories

[For the first time ever, the smells from Pavo's kitchen don't contain any trace of fish. They do, however, smell delicious—and scattered among the dishes eventually spread around the main room's table are five glass plates, each with a berry from yesterday's game.]

Food time! There's food, there's food~