October 2013



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August 27th, 2013

[info]a_gambling_man in [info]rrinitiative

Clashy Worlds

Characters: Autumn and Jim
Setting: His room, morning

With no good answers )

[info]alice_wilkins in [info]rrinitiative

Venturing Out Into the Great Wide World

Characters: Alice and Hayden

Setting: Kitchen

Or at least to the kitchen. )

[info]_lore_ in [info]rrinitiative

Fancy Angry Art

Who: Kyle and Mazie
When: Late morning
Where: Kitchen then Kyle's room

One step closer. )

[info]_lore_ in [info]rrinitiative

Prelude to Soul Searching

Who: Mazie and Wren
When:Late morning
Where: Wren's room

with an eerily accurate reading. )

[info]adamsammy in [info]rrinitiative

Going for It

Characters: Adam and Kyle
Setting: Their rooms / via phone, late

It was late, the sun having long set, when Kyle sat down at his computer and brought up the call app there. He stared at it for a while, his heart hammering, his palms sweaty. He had no idea of what he was doing. He was terrified, and yet... He knew part of his problem was that he didn't trust his instincts. It was being governed by his instincts, his wants, and his emotions that had led him here in the first place. Now his instincts and emotions were all over the place, trying to drag him in two directions. He had no idea what to do, as though he was going to fuck up at every turn. But everything else was falling apart anyway, so he felt like maybe he couldn't make things worse now. Not when he had screwed it all up anyway. Maybe it would even make things better. That didn't stop him from being terrified about everything else surrounding it. He knew he could go round and round like this all night, so in the end, he simply pressed call.
What feels natural )

[info]darkenedangel in [info]rrinitiative

Breakfast or Life?

Characters: Angel and Wren
Setting: Early evening, A block kitchen

Angel had eventually left the pool, but hadn’t bothered to do more than throw his pants on over his wet self and underwear, drawn by his growling stomach more than anything else. So he was puttering around the kitchen, stoked to find ingredients for pancakes even though it was evening. Nothing wrong with breakfast for dinner. It was odd, the gang member, drastically terrifying tattoo on his bare back, humming to himself and making pancakes, but it was a nice reminder of home. His mother, despite her husband’s line of business had been a pretty traditional mother.
I'm ready to die )

[info]vengefulwrath in [info]rrinitiative


Zach, Matt and Ru :)