October 2013



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July 23rd, 2013

[info]fkup in [info]rrinitiative

Block B Jamboree

Characters: Block B people
Setting: 7am

Rusty was out of his room, flailing in his wrinkled Green Lantern t-shirt and boxers. He was looking around wildly, not sure what was happening, and then he blinked, as he saw the door to his room shut. Rushing back over, he tried to get in, but it was locked. Had he locked himself out? What the hell was happening?! "Why are you loooocked!!!" he called, only realizing a second later that people were coming out of their rooms too and maybe he shouldn't do that.

[info]adamsammy in [info]rrinitiative

This Feels Like Goodbye

Characters: Kyle and Adam
Setting: Courtyard, just after 7am

Kyle was one of the first out of his room and into the courtyard when the alarm sounded. Swearing loudly, and dressed in cotton pants and a white t-shirt, he wasn't certain whether he should be rubbing the sleep from his eyes, or covering his ears. He hardly even realised that the door had unlocked before he was standing out in the dawn light and his bedroom door had closed and locked behind him.

Once he caught onto all those facts, he hesitated for a moment and looked around at the other people doing the same. That was when he saw the screen and walked towards it. He didn't need more surprises today. Yesterday had been one huge ball of shit. Today he looked like a mess: his hair was all over the place, he hadn't shaved, his eyes were red from hours of crying and he had the worst headache. Now what?
and we're bad at goodbyes )

[info]matt_jacobs in [info]rrinitiative

Making sense of a shifting landscape

Characters: Edan & Matt
Setting: The courtyard, just after 7am.

Trying to find their feet. )