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August 28th, 2012

[info]reece_con in [info]rrinitiative

quite the offer

Characters: Susanna and Reece
Setting: Reece’s room, morning
Rating: NSFW

After taking the alcohol to her room, Susanna made her way to the kitchen, relieved that no one was there even though it seemed someone must have been because there were things out and coffee made. She pulled out a mug, poured herself some coffee, got a piece of fruit and took them both back to her room. In the short time it took her to drink her coffee and eat her breakfast, Susanna had decided that she didn’t want to wait until later to make the delivery to Reece. She rinsed her cup in the bathroom sink, making a mental note to return it to the kitchen later, and then grabbed the bottle of Jack and headed out to the courtyard, crossing it quickly and going up the stairs nearest to Reece’s room, glad that she’d asked him which one he was in so she didn’t have to guess. Reaching his door, she lifted her free hand to knock on it, not even considering that with the early hour she might be waking him.

it just gets better )

[info]insheepsclothes in [info]rrinitiative

Scrounging up food

Characters: Ryan and Susanna
Setting: Kitchen, around 11a.m. or so.
Warnings: Somewhat NSFW

Ryan dug around in the fridge. His hair was still wet from the shower, curling slightly at the nape of his neck. He liked to sleep in, though he woke to the disappointment that he’d missed biscuits and gravy. Well, there were still biscuits and gravy, but the gravy would have to be warmed up. But he could do the biscuits… with butter, and jam, maybe.

Or honey. Or all of the above, he thought, his stomach rumbling audibly. Among so many other things, he did miss his mother’s cooking. She’d often cooked for him even after he’d gone out on his own.

He took out the strawberry jelly and the butter, and he would look for the honey while the biscuits warmed up. He grabbed three to start with, halving them and putting butter between them. He grabbed some paper towels, wetting them and squeezing them so they were only damp before spreading them over the biscuits on the plate, humming quietly in anticipation.

[info]wu_lo in [info]rrinitiative

Ugly Truths

Characters: Carmel and Wu
Setting: The Gym, Afternoon

Wu had woken to a strange feeling, albeit a familiar one. It was a low creep in his gut, an ache in the bullet scars along his side, a constant presence of weight draping over him. It was depression, something he'd grown used to in his two years of captivity, but never welcomed when it came.

It wasn't bad yet, not like he knew it could be, but still severe enough that he'd lurked in his room for most of the day. There was water, there were walls to stare at, and best of all? There were no others, who would doubtless be on edge around him now that the truth was out there. He hadn't expected anything else, either, but Wu felt like it would be worse to deal with their condemning stares than it would to simply be alone.

Restlessness had claimed him in time, though; he couldn't sulk in here all day if he knew the option to be elsewhere existed, and so Wu had left his room behind. He'd found the bar, briefly debating drinking his day away in the activity room, but his muscles whispered their own demands to be worked and maintained, pushing him through the courtyard and into the gym.

He'd have to request new clothes eventually, given that most of his current attire was professional and crisp. For now, though? Wu didn't need a shirt, and he'd left it hanging on a weight bench as he pushed himself through a set of closed-fist push-ups, scars and tattoos both showing starkly under a sheen of sweat.

[info]inspiteofall in [info]rrinitiative

I heard there would be food

Characters: Meg and Carmel
Setting: The kitchen, morning

Meg could never be described as a creature of habit but it was a rare occasion that saw her awake early without outside interference and unable to fall asleep again and that was the state she found herself in that morning, much to her annoyance. Not having the heart to wake Dom when he looked so peaceful, she'd taken off to her own room for a shower then checked the journals, eyes quickly drawn to the offer of biscuits and gravy in the kitchen. Conflicted as she may have been about much of her cultural heritage, a term she used incredibly loosely, she still haboured a love for a lot of the food she'd grown up with and having gone six months with what prison had to offer, her stomach growled at the prospect of getting to eat a meal she genuinely enjoyed.

Slipping back into Dom's room to leave him a message on his monitor and, as was her custom, steal a shirt of his to pull on over her own, she then headed towards the kitchen, the smell reaching her before she'd even stepped inside and setting her stomach growling again.

"God damn that smells good," she said, stepping into the kitchen, a look somewhere between amazement and genuine happiness on her face that teamed with her still damp hair and the over sized shirt she had on, made her look even younger than usual.

[info]adamsammy in [info]rrinitiative

screams in the night

Characters: Mazie and Adam
Setting: around 3am, Adam’s room

The dream was vague, but they always were. Bad smells, loud noises, and screaming, so very much screaming. She was screaming. And so loud, so really loud. He was trying to fend something off flailing as he clawed at it, the pain, the smell, he needed it to go away. And still the screaming, so much screaming. It wasn’t until he fell off the bed that he realizes the dream wasn’t screaming, he was.

saved )