RP Tutorials

July 2021



November 23rd, 2010



I don't know if this is allowed here, if not let me know and I'll delete it.

I've just made an ad community based on my own frustrations when looking for a game. I remember back on GJ there were a few fandom only ad communities that had been set up. So far the only thing like this I've seen is [info]fandom_psls but that's not very handy for actual games. There were a few communities on GJ that actually didn't allow Harry Potter game ads due to the sheer size of the fandom and amount of Harry Potter games which were being run at any one time and flooding ad communities.

So I've set up this with the hopes that we'll see more single fandom games of less popular fandoms being advertised where they are accessible and easy to sort through without 1000 Harry Potter ads. I've also included the request that people tag their entries to make searching for games specific to one particular fandom easier for players.

The community is [info]fandomads and posting access is unmoderated. I hope people find this useful.

I'd like to make one note that the rule against Harry Potter ads doesn't have anything to do with not liking the fandom or not wanting to promote it as I am a HP fan myself, however the idea behind this community is just to promote the less popular fandoms.

[No Subject]

Hey! So I'm trying to find coding or something to look like facebook feed. I already found this, but I'm looking for something that won't blur names and will maybe let me add pictures. Also something that will let me create a feed, you know like: "Sue Stevens is listed as single." "John was tagged in a picture."

Any help is appreciated!



news media part one: psd


Type: [.PSD] iPhone, with a faux CNN News Application

Compatibility: Photoshop 7.0 and up. Theoretically this should also work in Pixlr and GIMP, but I haven't tried.
how to & closer peeks )