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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'player:+sunny'

Nov. 27th, 2020



Late Friday evening...

I’m getting Margaux checked in at Mungo’s. Checking myself in too.

Nov. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Adolphus wants to know what the Ministry and the Order will do for us them. They want support services without being forced to register. They want anti-discrimination laws. I told them what you told me. About how the clearest path to a better world for both wizards and werewolves is a world where England is at peace and prejudice doesn't have a seat of power. That we may not be able to end our differences, but we can at least help make the world safe for diversity. I don't think they believed me and I don't blame them. I said I'd be back again in another couple of weeks or so with more supplies.

I know you think that I can do this, but I

Did you know about Peter?


Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

It's been a very long time since I've read Macbeth. Years, even. But pieces of this passage were on my mind this morning and I had to look it up again. You can read something and think that you understand it, but then one morning, years later, you're eating cold oats and reading the paper and suddenly there's just this shock of clarity. Oh. That's what it means. That's what it always meant. You just couldn't see it.

[No Subject]

It's almost Nutcracker season!


    Ginny, please be extra careful at the Ministry. Look out for Hector Avery. He came snooping around for me on the day I dropped out of the ATP after Parkinson told him who I was. So he's probably suspicious of any newcomers.

    Since when are we becoming au pairs to the purists? Did Mrs. Malfoy ever get back to you, Hermione?

    I need an invigoration draught for this splitting headache I woke up with. If anyone has some they can spare.

Nov. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

If anyone needs plants this winter mine are doing quite well. I have a wide variety if anyone needs them.

Why didn't you tell any of your friends that I'm here?
I was thinking. Since we're talking about splitting into groups some of us might want to try getting in with the Death Eaters. They don't know who we are, we could try to learn their plans in advance. Or maybe even sway some of them. Edgar mentioned that one of them is informing so I thought I'd mention it, but I don't know of any who aren't batshit insane.



[No Subject]

Do we know a Rose Picquery? American witch. The last name sounds familiar.



[No Subject]

So apparently it's not healthy for me to never be away from my son. Despite the state of our society right now.

As a result, I'm in need of a babysitter for Friday night. With the potential of a part-time nanny position to follow. Qualified candidates can send their CV via owl to Malfoy Manor.


Happy? I do hope you have a spectacular evening planned, my love.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

I opened this thing with the intent of saying something, anything, even if it was just for myself but looking back at the past few days I find that in the wake of it all I am left utterly disgusted and words have failed me. The world we live in currently is absolutely deplorable and I fear that in the days to come things are only going to worse.



[No Subject]

It has been a politically charged few days. It makes me glad my work is deeply rooted in theory and research.

The news in the Daily Prophet was an unfortunate turn of events.

How are you?



[No Subject]

When work advises you to wear the dragon hide gloves - wear the gloves.

This is my daily public service announcement.

Warded For the IS )

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

If you lot have any complaints you're welcome to take it up with me.



[No Subject]

You uncover the most interesting things when looking for things. A trip down memory lane.

charmed into her journal )

I had style even as a kid. Though perhaps I owe it then, to my maman. Love you.

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

I have to admit, the extra Auror and Hitwizard presence out in the streets makes me feel a lot safer. At least we know if the Death Eaters attack they'll be there right away.

I need to talk to you about something. It's important. Are you busy?
I hope he likes them.

Nov. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

I've turned the garage into a dueling space. You're all welcome to use it. I've charmed some dummies to throw offensive and defensive spells - the difficulty level can be set from 1-5. If you tear them up, repair them before you leave.
We've also designed a parchment. Everyone needs to sign, for their own security. It will prevent you from sharing the names of the others in our group, even under duress. If you try - well, I suggest that you don't try.

Nov. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

I’ll be seeing you on Level Nine.
I’ve been offered a position of employment in the Department of Mysteries alongside Rookwood and the youngest Selwyn. The Time Room.

Asking for black coffee and receiving something with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and holiday sprinkles didn't exactly inspire the "holiday spirit" this morning.
Still. It's not terrible.


Parkinson, don't you dare respond to that ward yet. We need to talk. Now.

Nov. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

The Ministry and the public as a whole have lost an amazing asset. The tragedy is one that generations to come will feel and suffer for. My heart goes out to the whole Bones family. None of them deserved this loss.

| DA |
It's time we told the Order who we are and why we're here. We're out of options. They'll fall like dominos now if we don't.

| Ginny |
I need you with me in this, Gin. I can't do it without you.

| Sirius |
I know you don't know me, not like this but I

need to
you always gave me adv
how do I
my dad thinks I'm

I think you and your mates have me all wrong. I'm not a threat to the Potters. I'm here to protect them and you.



[No Subject]

Today we all remember that life has consequence. In all things, only death can pay for life.

Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

As it becomes mid-November the reality that the holiday season is upon us becomes harder to ignore. I hate the forced cheerfulness and the empty wishes of Happy Christmas from people who don't really care if you do not. I'll be ready for it to be over and it hasn't really even started.

Sitting on the sidelines is boring. The Aurors taking in purebloods just because they might be a purist and there is nothing we can do. This angers me and I just am supposed to sit idly by. I hate this.

Nov. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

About a half-day late, but I do so enjoy getting knocked into a wall and enduring a concussion when leaving work that I simply was too distracted at St. Mungo's to say anything.

I'm sorry I wasn't waiting for you. I was leaving work and well...

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Are we running low on any potions in particular?
I know we've had a lot going on, so I just wanted to make sure you all saw Moody's note about the extra training. I told him I'd have you all there.



[No Subject]

To counter what Mrs. Black has said, do not ignore an official summons from the Ministry. It is important to know both your own rights and the reach of the government.

[Dad -- Amelia can see]
What the hell do you and Crouch think you're doing?
[Order Aurors]
I have some names of potential suspects. Look into these, but be discreet. Black said Crouch and my dad are using Veritaserum to coerce confessions out of people and if it seems like we're hot on their trail too they may get desperate.

Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Xavier Selwyn
Alastair Selwyn
Rabastan Lestrange
[James, Remus]
I need a favor from the two of you. Don't tell anybody about this.