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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'player:+alissa'

Nov. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

We can all hope for a better, safer month. We in the Auror department continue to work to protect all of you. Every day we are a step closer, even if it may seem bleak. Keep your heads up.

All right, kids. I need Death Eater names. I have some suspicions obviously, but the more names I can get the better.
Hey, beautiful.
Do you want to get lunch sometime? I know you probably don't remember me because I died when you were too young, so I'd like to get the chance to know you now. If you'd like.
Added Later:

Hey. We need to talk about something.



[No Subject]

| DA |
I take it the fight didn't go well for any of us?

| Bones |
I didn't forget work. I just woke up in Mungo's. I don't even know what day it is.

Nov. 1st, 2020



You could’ve just handed out candy and carved some pumpkins, Cock Gobblers. I guess cult-related mass murder works too.

    At Mungo’s. I’m going to find the IS safe house and kill Greengrass.
    Are you okay? I must’ve passed out.
    Tell your girl to watch her back.

Oct. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, so after seeing all that talk of dogs I definitely did a thing. It also didn't hurt that while party planning with Trevor all night last night we were talking about dogs and rats and things.


[No Subject]

I miss my dog. I hope he hasn’t forgotten me by the time I see him again.

    Should we try to make a nice dinner together tomorrow night? What’s everyone’s favorite dish? Or dessert?

Oct. 28th, 2020


[No Subject]

I usually look forward to Halloween, but I am not as enthusiastic this year. I don't know why.

Are you still not talking to me? Are you showing Malfoy everything I say?
Why are you doing this?
Daphne Greengrass wants us to help her in exchange for information. I told her I can't guarantee we'd keep her safe, but I don't even know if we should trust her in the first place.

Oct. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

I have bought myself a tub of chocolate ice cream from Fortescue's. It is incredibly tempting to eat it all in one sitting but I really should be careful of my image.

I've managed to make contact with Hector Avery. I will let you know how I go as our conversation progresses.

Oct. 23rd, 2020



Thursday Evening, 8 PM

Being hit with a cane because we ran out of stock of mooncalf dung is really uncalled for. I am not paid enough for this. You're lucky I didn't tell you that your jumper was a crime against fashion. Nobody needs that much fuzzy pink angora. Ever.

If anyone needs me I'll be in the greenhouse.

Oct. 18th, 2020


[No Subject]


    My uncle has been suspended. Cate had her baby. I'm starting to get that rushed, panicky feeling. Has anyone who's not hospitalized made any new progress? If you're in Mungo's but feeling well enough to leave, I think between Hermione and I, we can continue your healing from the farm.
    I hear congratulations are in order. I hope you and your wife are well enough to care for that little peanut. I was sorry to hear that you're under investigation. It's slightly disappointing you won't be around for my first day of training tomorrow.
    Hi. Are you there, you little shit? Can you read this? Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

Oct. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

The first few days as an Auror trainee have been brilliant. Thanks, Bones, I can't wait to see what the next shift brings us.

| DA |
Who still needs ideas as to how to approach their Order Member? We've got to figure things out soon or we're going to miss our chance to really get 'in' with them before everything starts to go south.

We also need to figure out how we're going to communicate with one another. Yes, the journals work for now but did anyone bring their DA coin with them? If so, I have mine and I'll bet Hermione has hers. We can use them if we're in a pinch.

| Hermione & Ron |
We need to figure out when the first events start. We knew it was this year but never quite when. Hermione, did you bring any books about the first war with you? Please tell me you did.

Oct. 6th, 2020


[No Subject]

I've always liked visiting England. London is one of my favorite places.

[Dumbledore's Army]
So we should get in contact with the Order sooner rather than later, right? Does anyone have a plan for what they're going to say or do to try and make friends?



[No Subject]

[Warded to Dumbledore's Army]

I was thinking of going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to see if Magical Menagerie or Quality Quidditch Supplies was hiring, since a job would mean both money coming in and a chance to possibly gather some intelligence. Did anyone want to come with?

Oct. 5th, 2020


[No Subject]

    ↬ Money, wizard & muggle (5)
    ↬ Food & storage (3)
    ↬ Water & storage (2)
    ↬ First aid kits, 1 per every 2 people? (2)
    ↬ Potions & cauldrons for brewing (1)
    ↬ Ingredients & storage
    ↬ Bedding (1)
    ↬ Clothes (4)
    ↬ Deluminators
    ↬ Spare wands
    ↬ Broomsticks (2)

    Let me know what you've packed and what else we might want to stockpile on.

Oct. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

When it rains it pours, doesn't it? Literally in this case. I came back to my office after seeing a patient and apparently, someone decided to have a laugh by making it rain in here. Unfortunately, it's now been four hours and I'm now really cold and I'm a bit tired of being damp and having to charm myself dry repeatedly to go see patients. And, before you say just use 'nox', I've tried it. You name it, I've tried it.

So as a service announcement, as amusing as weather charms are, they do get old after awhile.

Are you feeling any better? I can visit and redo some of the healing charms if you need them.

Oct. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

I forgot how frustrating settling in somewhere new can be, but I can't help but think being in Falmouth will be better for me and my potential future in Quidditch than being in Sussex was.

Speaking of, I'm thinking it's high time that I try to find where the Falcons practice, for research purposes.



[No Subject]

I saw that there were some people who were looking for a new job. The WWN always has one sort of opening or another. If you have any questions, I am happy to point you in the right direction.

Oct. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private to the DA]
Please reply here with the following information for your alternate identity. If you need help coming up with anything, let us know and we’ll help you out.

cut )

[No Subject]

    So, how should we be introducing ourselves when we start interacting with people?



private to the DA

Hermione is going to murder me

If you had your hopes on Oxford, I'm going to say that is currently a bad idea. We're going to have to try something else.



[No Subject]

Hello! My name is Vivienne Thomas and I've just moved to London from a tiny village that none of you probably have heard of. I've been home schooled so I don't really know anyone here. I thought there would be more possibilities here than where I grew up. I'm quite adept at charms, potions and defence. I also like to think I have an eye for fashion but that was based on my village so I don't know if that will stay true now that I'm in London.

What I'm asking, is if anyone knows of any jobs going, I'm happy to provide my NEWTs for consideration.

Now, how does one meet people in a city such as London? I can't keep my social life to these journals, as fascinating as they are.