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Posts Tagged: 'character:+sirius+black'

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

It's been a while since you've been over for supper. Are you free any evening this week? Nymphadora would love to see her favorite cousin.

And. Well. Do you believe my father had something to do with Regulus' death?

How are you holding up?



[No Subject]

If you lot have any complaints you're welcome to take it up with me.



[No Subject]

You dare to drag my son into this mockery of justice that you are parading about to convince the masses that you are capable of doing your actual jobs? And furthermore you accused my BROTHER of MURDERING him? If you thought the Black family was enraged before at the treatment you bestowed upon of us, just wait. The barristers will be with you shortly and you are going to regret having ever dared to set your eyes upon this family.



[No Subject]

{Rodolphus and Rabastan.}

Do. Nothing. Is that understood?

Oh little Auror's you are looking in the wrong place and barking up the wrong tree. Surely you knew that when you set out on this farce of a raid.

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

I have to admit, the extra Auror and Hitwizard presence out in the streets makes me feel a lot safer. At least we know if the Death Eaters attack they'll be there right away.

I need to talk to you about something. It's important. Are you busy?
I hope he likes them.



Private to Wormtail

I've a gift for you and Marlene. But you'll need to pack for it.

Can you meet me at my flat tomorrow morning round ten?

Nov. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

This is a reminder to everyone that if you have been discharged from St. Mungo's with potions you need to take those potions in their entirety. I know it is easy to forget but please don't take your health lightly.

I know I said this before, but I wanted to say it again, I am sorry for the stress I caused you.
How is Hector recovering? If you'd like I can check up on him to ensure that his injuries are properly healing.
How was the funeral? I'm sorry I couldn't be there. Do you have time tonight to talk?

Nov. 19th, 2020



Owl to Peter

Urgent Owl to Peter )



[No Subject]

Sometimes chaos leads to some of the best and yet completely unexpected things.

Absolutely mad in all of the most delightful ways.

Also - I need taste testers this week because I am trying out some holiday-themed cocktails - namely some that I am hoping to pull off gingerbread notes of flavor because I am not about the sickly sweet cocktails.

Warded to Sirius Black )

Nov. 15th, 2020



Owl to James

A late owl for James )



[No Subject]

The Ministry and the public as a whole have lost an amazing asset. The tragedy is one that generations to come will feel and suffer for. My heart goes out to the whole Bones family. None of them deserved this loss.

| DA |
It's time we told the Order who we are and why we're here. We're out of options. They'll fall like dominos now if we don't.

| Ginny |
I need you with me in this, Gin. I can't do it without you.

| Sirius |
I know you don't know me, not like this but I

need to
you always gave me adv
how do I
my dad thinks I'm

I think you and your mates have me all wrong. I'm not a threat to the Potters. I'm here to protect them and you.



Message to Walburga Black

Sent to Walburga Black via Kreacher )

Nov. 10th, 2020



Earlier in the day.

tw: cut for blood )



Post for Walburga Black

Delivered via Kreacher )

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Are we running low on any potions in particular?
I know we've had a lot going on, so I just wanted to make sure you all saw Moody's note about the extra training. I told him I'd have you all there.



[No Subject]

It is a sad indeed to see just how far the Ministry has fallen and the lengths they will go to prosecute innocent people in lieu of getting what they want and of achieving their own means and goals. I received a request this morning asking me to come into the Ministry. Being the upstanding member of society that I am I obliged, only to be tormented for hours with ceaseless questions all meant to get an answer out of me that I did not have and that I told them repeatedly that I did not have.

They badger, needle, poke and prod all in hopes of getting an answer that they already have but clearly did not like and most certainly did not accept. They do not care who they harm in their supposed march for good. They do not care about the mental anguish they bestow upon people and do not care about the answers they get that do not satisfy their needs and desires. Instead they continue trying to coerce an answer out of you all the while knowing that a coerced answer cannot come forth. You will be hearing from the Black family barristers very shortly after this debacle and horrendous display put forth by those who are suppose to protect us and uphold the laws and rules of our society.

If you receive a summons from the Ministry, ignore it. Do not think to be a good law abiding citizen and do the right thing because in the end it will lead you to hours of anguish and torment all in the name of good.



owls delivered 8am, november 9, 1980

Ministry notices sent to: Walburga Black, Sirius Black, Andromeda Black-Tonks, Edward Tonks, Narcissa Black-Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Cygnus Black, Druella Rosier-Black, Rabastan Lestrange, Cassius Lestrange, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow )

Oct. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, so after seeing all that talk of dogs I definitely did a thing. It also didn't hurt that while party planning with Trevor all night last night we were talking about dogs and rats and things.




[No Subject]

Alright, other things that aren't about how damn cute my son is.

Talking to Matilda Dukelow- you'd know her voice, even if you don't know her face, she's on the WWN. Muggleborn. She's worried, I suppose, about the way the WWN is leaning, lately. "Stories that are submitted by interns and more progressive staff members are being pushed to the late night programme." Et cetera.

We were thinking about getting some sort of other broadcast set up, you know, without the Ministry getting its hands in it. She said she has "an old ham radio", which I guess is a muggle sort of thing? She said she needs more "wires". Does, uh, anyone know anything about this? It seems like the sort of thing we could use to our advantage.

Oct. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]


"It was on a dreary night of November, that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet."

All right, so it's technically October, but Mary Shelley's Frankenstein feels appropriate for this time of year. I stand by it.

You should stay with the others on Saturday night. I'll be fine on my own.