Rewrite Journal Community

December 2020



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November 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

[IS Members]
Please tell me Status update, if you will. I know Mandy and I are still in hospital, but I am lacking information on the rest of you.

Please tell me it was a fever dream. Alastor Moody is dead?

If you're dead Are you okay?



[No Subject]

The Death Eaters and the Lestranges are an affront to all the traditions I have learned growing up in some of the most conservative countries in Europe. For shame.

[Bones Family]
Have any of you heard from Jeffrey?

I am coming home with the children.



[No Subject]

I get that the Death Eaters were sending a message, but using both Fiendfyre and severing charms is going overboard, wouldn't you think? Oh wait... guess that's the real issue, rationality and thinking must not be their strong suit...

Fear, pain, and suffering are their idea of tactics, but last I checked those things stopped working when the ones using them overstepped and made it so that the ones they were attempting to hold down were left with nothing else to lose. Animals fight harder when backed into corners, and in a way we're all just animals when it comes down to it, right?

And yeah, I get that my sentiments might be putting a target on my back, but I'm certain one was there anyway even if I didn't see it.



[No Subject]

Moody was the first bloke who ever arrested me. S'wierd, thinking that'll never happen again.

Not that I've done anything to warrant an arrest, obviously, just...makes you think, dunnit?

All we are is dust in the wind, and all that.


You broadcasting again tonight?