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December 2020



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November 10th, 2020



Post for Walburga Black

Delivered via Kreacher )



[No Subject]

I'm thinking of going down to Bath this next weekend. Does anyone have any recommendations on places to stay or things to see while I am there?

You're all being quiet. Tell me someone has good news.

Hector, Brendan, Eris
Good morning,

Names of interest to you are

Eugenia 'Genie' Westley
Harriet Adams
Trevor Lang

There are others but those are the names I am sure of.

They have recently arrived and are working with the Order to bring down the Death Eaters. Who do you know that are in the Order? I have seen some names but I do not know who you already know. Sturgis Podmore is one of them. As is James Potter.

I know in the future, October 31 1981 the Dark Lord attacks the Potters and kills James and Lily. Something happens, I do not know what, but what looks like the killing curse will backfire hitting the Dark Lord and essentially making him disappear. His body disappears and all is left are the robes taht he was wearing.

Over the next year the following Death Eaters are to die

Evan Rosier
Eros Wilkes
Michael Gamp
Stephen Parkinson
Kevin Gibbon

Also do not trust Igor Karkaroff. He will betray the Dark Lord, turning over names of numerous Death Eaters in order to escape Azkaban.



[No Subject]

In light of the horrific acts that took place on Halloween, the management at Quality Quidditch Supplies has decided to do their part to help with funding some of the rebuilding efforts by putting some of their signed and limited edition items up for auction. I was able to get some of my new friends from the Falcons to sign a pennant and a few other souvenirs, and we've reached out to other teams as well. Personally, I've got my eyes on a Silver Arrow signed by the current and former chasers from the Harpies.

If anyone would like to either bid or donate items, come by the shop and we'll set you up!



[No Subject]

I am quite relieved to be back at the WWN for the first time in almost a month. My coworkers have been wonderful and it almost seems like no time has passed. Thank you so much to the dedicated staff at St. Mungo's. If it were not for you, I don't think my return would be possible. Yes, there are some challenges, but it is better than losing the full functionality of my wand arm.



[No Subject]

You weren't home when I got home. Are you okay?
[Eris] Sent a little later
Brendan has not come home. I am a little worried. Maybe he got caught up in things. I think something happened near Diagon again. Maybe he got caught up in it leaving work? Mainly just hoping you can tell me calm down and not worry.
You didn't hear about anything happening to Brendan?



Earlier in the day.

tw: cut for blood )