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Jul. 15th, 2013


Well... I guess this could be worst.

If we're all here who's at the station?

Jul. 14th, 2013


I miss the bar. This place and its lack of alcohol sucks.

Jul. 8th, 2013


This is boring. I want to go back to Lawrence. Boy, I never thought I'd say that.

[Deacon & Scud]

Want to explore?


Scud? I can't find Harry!


So not where I want to be right now.


Well... at least the show is interesting.

Tick tock, tick tock

Jul. 6th, 2013


Aside from the obvious, there's something wrong about this place. Where are all of you? I need to find someone because I'm starting to get that this is one of those situations where you don't want to be alone.


This place is all kinds of weird.

Mr. Saltzman? Blaine? Are you guys all right?

Jul. 4th, 2013


Filtered from Klaus

How does one go about making a deal in order to bring someone back?

If a soul is needed... who do I talk to about becoming human again?


I don't like being toyed with. I like it even less when you involve my family.

Niklaus, tread carefully here. I'm going to have to go hunting soon


Filtered to Steve Rogers

So, I know the situation sucks and I'm hoping I did read your file right. If not I'll just be incredibly embarrassed.

Happy Birthday Captain Rogers.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


I came here on behalf of the Wayne Foundation and now... what's with the plastic trees outside?

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Oh great. I woke up in a 'spooky' house. Is there at least something to do here?


Filtered against Clint and Bobbi

What is this? How did this happen?


Hey! This isn't scenic Doom Falls!

Jul. 1st, 2013


Well. This is new. Trick house. Tons of doors, I bet there's a surprise behind all of them.

[Blocked from Rose Tyler to prevent a return of memories]
And how did a phoenix get into my TARDIS?


This? This isn't funny.


Just one normal day. Is that too much to ask for?

I can't even get outside. I can't even open a window. Not that I want to. There's a ton of mannequins outside looking creepy as ever.

And what's up with all the doors?


Somebody help. I-I need help.



Ooh, spooky.

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