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Jan. 16th, 2012


[Filtered to Jacob]

I can't pretend to be happy about it, but Claire's alive here. Figured that's information you'd wanna know.


If only I could jump back in time to find out what caused this.


Are we getting any closer to figuring who's responsible? Is there anything I can do to end it?


This isn't funny any more.


What's going on here? Uncle Dean looks like he's only five years older than me! And he's using words I know I'm not supposed to use. But he's little too. He shouldn't be using them!


How can you be my mommy and still be that young? Isn't that...bad?


I honestly can't take more of this shit. Either someone figure out how to get things back to normal or I'm gonna start swinging.



Not where I'm supposed to be.


Hello? This is kinda trippy.

Where am I?


[Filtered to Loki]

Are you really who you say you are?

Jan. 15th, 2012


You know, I've been thinking. This has the stench of Trickster all over it. Aka, Gabriel.

Hey, Cas. Can you tell me if you feel any angelic presences that weren't there before?


Hey, where did all the grown ups go? Did the Whitecoats do this? Maybe they found me....I shouldn't have come here. I'm so sorry....

Jan. 14th, 2012


I should've done this sooner, but I've been busy...sort of.

Rose? Peter? Rory? Jack? Are you alright? Are you all like this too?

Jan. 13th, 2012


Jack? This wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said I wished I could travel with you.


This is troubling. My vessel has never been this young, although I do believe it is still James essentially.

What is being done about this? I would like my more familiar body back


I really don't like this. I kind of just want my mum.

Is there anyone out there who wasn't turned into a younger version of themselves?


I can't run for President looking like this but maybe...

Okay, who needs me to open doors for them?


W-wait...what's going on here?


Uh oh...

Did my spell do this? I thought I worded it just right and I didn't do this and I don't want to be a bloody teenager again!


Huh. Not that this isn't weird, but it could be convenient. Everyone loved Robin. Could probably make my old


Shit. I'm not even sure I wanna ask why.


My vessel has developed a fault

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