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Jun. 12th, 2015


What's going on?

...Mom? Dad? Lyle? Peter?

Jun. 10th, 2015


Call to Elena

Hey... I know it's late, but I just wanted to talk to you.

Jun. 9th, 2015


Private call to Stefan

Stefan, Katherine is here, and she came back for me. I know why she wasn't in the tomb, and just- Everything is good now.

I haven't felt this good in... in about a hundred and forty five years.

Everything is good, brother.


Private to Katherine

You fooled me once, shame on you.

Now you've fooled me twice.


How did I get to Lawrence, Kansas? I'm better with my powers, but I'm not this good. Teleportation is a definite no.

Is anyone here? Elena? Caroline?


Is this because I Well, fuck.

Jun. 8th, 2015


What the fuck is this?

Jun. 7th, 2015


Not exactly what I need right now. Kind of have to get ready for Founders Day and avoid the fact that my Uncle is really my father. Ugh. Stefan? Damon?


Blah blah blah how did this happen? blah blah where am I?

Now that the mandatory freaking out is out of the way... where can I buy a hat? Like a big floppy one.


Okay so. I just got here. I need a job.

My name is Kailah Majessta, and I have waitress, hostess, and bartender experience.

...and I already spent my money on these cute shoes I saw when I was looking for my apartment.

I'm available all hours, preferably nights.


I'm not sure how this happened.

Elena? Are you here? Damon?


How did this happen?

Jun. 6th, 2015


What the hell? Is this the other side? Bon Bon I'm rather displeased. Nadia, are you here? I can't believe Stefan killed me

Feb. 13th, 2014


That haircut made things feel back to normal again. Weird. Maybe it's because being asleep for so long made me look almost hippy-like.

Checking to see if you're still here. If so, want to join me for lunch?

Might have to go out later. If I do, can you go to Alaric's?

[Alaric & Stefan]
Adam could visit later. No promises that I come with.

I think it's time we talk. I don't know if I can protect him forever without

And by talk I mean neither of us trying to kill the other and actually talking.

Feb. 1st, 2014


Texts to Damon Salvatore

>> Hey
>> How are you?
>> I'm staying with Alaric for a few days.
>> He says you're still here so here's hoping.
>> I wanted to ask you something.
>> Please, Damon?

Jan. 28th, 2014


Oh come on!

This just isn't fair?


Jan. 27th, 2014


Did I just...

Was I in a coma?

... It's the middle of winter.

... Oh god I hope I didn't get fired.

Sep. 29th, 2013


Happy birthday to me. Guess it'll be a quiet one.

Aug. 12th, 2013


[Filtered away from Crowley.]

I did the thing.

I read through some of the stuff you hunters have and put up wards against Crowley. Who knows how long they'll hold for though.

Jul. 21st, 2013


Guess one good thing came out of all that.

I'm apologizing for being a dick for once. That was really over the top.

Especially you, Adam. I had no right to get angry and run off. And turn someone el

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July 2015




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