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Jun. 8th, 2015


What the fuck is this?

Feb. 16th, 2014


Phone call to Jo

Hey, sweetheart. It's me.

I'm going to be working late tonight. House call. I've got a patient with a broken arm and the other with a morphine addiction. Refused to stay in the hospital.

Do you want me to bring home a late dinner?

Jan. 28th, 2014


Just so everyone is aware, Torchwood is looking into what happened.

I'm not sure what we'll find, but we'll keep you updating.

It seems a lot of people have gone missing again. We'll see what we can do in the way of tracking them down.


Ianto? Daryl? Are you two okay?


Everyone alright?

It seems we've all been unconscious for the last several months.

Feel free to come into my clinic for a check up if you're worried. I'll be there today.

Private to Jo

I really wish things like this would just stop happening around here.

Jul. 7th, 2013


Owen? I've got Ash, but....where are you? Please don't be frozen agai

Mom, dad? Sam? De No I Dean?

May. 7th, 2013


Oh bloody hell, not again.

Jo? Did it happen again? Was I frozen again?

Feb. 18th, 2013


Text to Jo

>> Would you mind checking to see if there's a package at the door.
>> I was expecting something.

[Outside of the door is a huge vase full of flowers. For Jo.

Oct. 22nd, 2012


[Filtered to Family and Friends]
They let us take Ashley home yesterday.

Oct. 3rd, 2012


A little over a month left. It's funny just how quickly the first and second trimesters just flew by. These last couple of months have slowed to a crawl.

I just... I wish Dean was here for this. He was so excited about the baby.

Sep. 24th, 2012


It's been a long time, bad habit

How're you doing?

[Jo & Owen]
Everything good? No sign of the demon?

Aug. 27th, 2012


[Filtered to Hunters and Torchwood]
Meg tried to kill me and my daughter last night. Made me go into premature labor and now she's in a god damn incubator and I can't even hold her.

I want that black eyed bitch dead.

Aug. 19th, 2012


...Where the hell did this come from?


It's a bloody miracle, that's what this is!

Aug. 7th, 2012


God dammit...

I will kill that mother fucker.


I can't come home... Not tonight not ever. I just want you to know I'm sorry, okay?


... I've got a problem. And I think you're the one I want to help me.


I know I ain't talked to you in God knows how long. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was a dick. I'm sorry I got mad. I'm happy that you've got a doctor boyfriend, and a kid on the way. And you're really not that bad of a hunter.


We need to talk. Tonight.

Jul. 27th, 2012


What the bloody hell is going on?!


There are things in the streets, killing people. The ones that go down get right back up as one of those things...

I'm going to try and come home. I might have to bring Krissy and Meredith with me. I can't just leave them behind.


Make sure all the doors are secure, and get in the back where the emergency exit it.


Can you handle a gun? I'm moving everyone, including the patients to the back. We're going to get out of here before we box ourselves in. There's my SUV out back. We'll all fit in there.

Bloody Jack Harkness isn't here, and Torchwood is on lockdown! We can all hunker down at my house.

Jul. 23rd, 2012


[Filtered to the Harvelles]

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Harvelle. You're going to have a grand daughter.


I can't believe it's a girl. A baby girl. I'm really going to be a dad.

Jul. 22nd, 2012


[Private to Harvelles]

According to John, there was another Bobby here.

I'm a different me, I guess. John already did all the tests; I'm not anythin' supernatural. Just wanted to let ya know I was in town.

Jul. 18th, 2012


Those shapeshifters face doubles of mine still around?

[Jo & Owen]
D'you two need anything for when the baby's born?

I miss the Roadhouse. Is it safe to assume there's nothin' around here we can do like that? Any bars for sale?

[John & Mary]
How're you two doin'?

Jul. 3rd, 2012


[Filtered to Harvelles and Winchesters]

So, I guess we're doing something for the 4th?

Alright bought a bunch of fireworks. I couldn't help myself, okay

Jun. 28th, 2012


[Accidental Audio]

-thing seems to be preventing the spread of this through the blood. I don't understand it.

Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way... Maybe I've just been working on this for too long, and I need to step away and sleep. Sleep might be nice. I miss when I didn't have to sleep...

Oh, Owen, you're talking to yourself again...

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July 2015




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