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Feb. 8th, 2014


Private to the Doctor

A mutual friend informed me that you were here.

Jan. 27th, 2014


January? January?

... Was I just sleeping for the last few months? Is that normal? Do you lot just sleep like this all the time?

Aug. 1st, 2013


No, no, no not again. I can't lose her again!

Please tell me someone has seen a blonde girl roaming around?

Jul. 1st, 2013


Well. This is new. Trick house. Tons of doors, I bet there's a surprise behind all of them.

[Blocked from Rose Tyler to prevent a return of memories]
And how did a phoenix get into my TARDIS?

Jun. 16th, 2013


Any really creative doctors out there? Because I'm pretty sure this is an injury you've never dealt with before...

May. 7th, 2013


What? But... How? No. That's all wrong. Right? That's not possible. Is it?

But how can that be? It's not true.

But it can't lie. No. No? No. Certainly not. Absolutely impossible.

Rose!? Jayden? Derek? Can anyone hear me?

... I think something's wrong with the date...

Feb. 8th, 2013


Private call to Kat

Hey, Kat! It's me, the Doctor!

How is everything going?

Feb. 1st, 2013


I miss the pack

Is there a local pool around here?

[Private to The Doctor]
You seem to know you stuff, so I have a question - can I find Nordic Blue Monkshood around here? And if so, where?

[Private to Stiles]

Your medicine's on the kitchen counter. Don't ask how I got it.

Jan. 21st, 2013


Private to Rose

ROSE! Rude Rose Tyler! We're going out for chips! Grab your coat, and whatever else you think you'll need, it is a bit chilly, but that's okay! I'll lock up the TARDIS, and we'll be on our way. The thing is, it isn't going to be just me and you, it's actually us going to meet the werewolf that lives here named Jaden and I said I'd help him out because he doesn't think he can control himself when he transforms, but I knew a girl, slash, werewolf just like that many many years ago, her name was Mags and she ended up learning how to control herself, and I really think he can do it if we just help him along, but don't say anything that might set him off, werewolves tend to be moody at times, and we'll just get chips and get to know him and have fun.


... Ready to go?

Jan. 11th, 2013


Private to Jaden

So, you never really got back to me on if you wanted me to help you or not.

Have you decided, or did you think ignoring me would just make me disappear?

Jan. 8th, 2013


What the hell is going on? I was just

Dec. 27th, 2012


Not feeling well at all. Guess it's a good thing school's still on break until after the the new year. Aches, pain, irritability, and nausea do not make for the most interested student. I'll just hide out at home for awhile. No visitors.


Private to Rose

Rose! Tomorrow night is a full moon.

And if this place is anything like I think it is...

Dec. 13th, 2012




Has anybody seen Daryl?


I guess I should introduce myelf. I've already had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Harvelle, so I apologize in advance for any confusion my voice or appearance may cause. My name is Riza Hawkeye, I'm lieutenant to police chief Roy Mustang. I'm not an alchemist, but I do wear the pants at the station--and pretty much everywhere else. Just for the record.


Well, it looks like my work with the cemetery restoration is done! My thanks to everyone who contributed time, manpower, and resources to the project. I'm still not any closer to figuring out why people show up there like they do, but I think that's a bit above my paygrade.

Dec. 9th, 2012


Of all things, the only thing I dislike most is living time in proper order.

What is this thing anyway? It's not just a cell phone.



Dec. 8th, 2012


Personal life seems a lot quieter these days. Funny. Never thought I'd grow to miss little blue boxes and bow ties so much. Guess he got lucky though. Maybe things finally worked out for him. Wish I could get home so easily. Or Jim was

Nov. 14th, 2012


...why is it that I keep thinking about donuts? I don't even like donuts.

And who's Deacon?

Sep. 8th, 2012


I'm bored of this weather. It's summer, it's hot, I get it. Anyone know a good place to see snow this time of the year? I'm tired of the heat. And don't mention the Antartic. Penguins and I do not get along.

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