Aug. 26th, 2012


I think some answers are in order, mates. I don't know how my witches let this happen but I'll have to...take care of them when I am returned home.

May. 11th, 2012


[Private to Crowley]
I'm sensing some weird things lately. And I've got a feeling something's up and you know something about it.

Spill, mister.

May. 7th, 2012


Never thought I'd say this but I miss when you were all drunk and singing.

May. 1st, 2012


[Private to Phoebe]
Just wanted to see how you're settling in. Any luck finding the reason you're here yet?

[Private to Arthur]
How many of those awful ties do you own?

Apr. 30th, 2012


Filtered to the Winchesters

Hello. I've been told that you're the people to talk to about learning an exorcism?


Well, I'm glad to see absolutely none of you have caught on to anything lately.

You're all so brilliant, smart little hairless apes! I should applaud you!

That is... If you'd actually done something worth noticing. Honestly, you creatures disappoint me to no end.

Apr. 29th, 2012


Head's up, Lawrence!

I picked up a job at the local paper and am the new advice columnist. Any questions about general advice, please write to me at!

[ooc: The email isn't for leads to a post on Phoebe's journal :) ]


Okay, so this is horrible for me to say, all need to hurt yourselves more. This is what boredom does. I am a horrible person for saying this. I'm evil when I'm bored. And I'm also not being serious, so please don't think I am.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Could someone fill me in on exactly what the deal is around here with this place?


[Dean's so drunk he posted in the wrong comm!]

Ain't no need to worry, ain't no use to cry. 'Cause I'll be comin' home soooooon. To keep you satisfied. You know I get so lonely, that I feel I can't go onnnnnn. And it feels so good inside, baby, just to call you on the telephone, I said...

Oooh baby, I love you, what more can I say? Oh baby, I need you, I miss you more everyday.

Apr. 25th, 2012



What time is it You know what, who gives a s

Apr. 24th, 2012


How in the-

Chris?! Leo?!

July 2015




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