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Aug. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to Torchwood]

Anybody pick up anything odd lately? I'm still trying to explain the dollhouse.

Dec. 9th, 2012


Of all things, the only thing I dislike most is living time in proper order.

What is this thing anyway? It's not just a cell phone.



Nov. 21st, 2012


Well. Never let it be said that I'm not in touch with my feminine side.

Nov. 14th, 2012


... Hello?

Who's Rose Tyler? What's a TARDIS? What's a Jelly Baby?

... Can I... Help you?

Sep. 27th, 2012


[Torchwood + The Doctor]

Good morning, Torchwood. Coffee's on.

Sep. 24th, 2012


So, my hearing's back to normal, which is brilliant. But I still don't understand how I got to Kansas.

Feel like I'm bloody hallucinating or something. And I'm worried about Claire and Aaron and

Sep. 6th, 2012


I think I may consider a vacation. Or just leaving town for awhile.

I suddenly just have the urge to travel, and see what else is out there.

Aug. 29th, 2012


Okay, this time, I wasn't imagining things. It moved. While I was holding it

I think Jason says hi, guys.

Aug. 27th, 2012



There was an attack on a hunter last night by the demon Meg. I need everyone who is able to inform me. Several of you will be stationed in the hospital. Owen didn't bother to tell me, and I'm not sure I understand why.

Sam, I need you directly on all security cameras at all times.


Meg attacked Jo last night, and sent her into premature labor.

I'm not sure which way to look anymore. I don't have eyes in the back of my head, if it's not a demon, it's a vampire. If it's not a vampire, it's Eve.

Do you have any advice on this one? Know anything about Meg that would help?

Aug. 23rd, 2012


[Filtered to Torchwood & Ellie]

I jingle again! So now I can't sneak up on anyone. Drat

Jul. 22nd, 2012



I'm making lunch. Who wants to join me?

Jul. 14th, 2012


[Private UNHACKLABLE Ianto]

So... How do you tell a ten year old that his brain's actually a super computer, and that he's not an alien, or a monster, but completely normal other than that?

... And that it's really kind of awesome, and you wish you knew more about it, but you promised you wouldn't experiement on him, or study him, and you're holding to your word...?

Jun. 28th, 2012


Pink and white only look good on certain men. Ianto Jones, you are one of those men.

I, myself, prefer something dark on something light. I never really could pull of pink.

Jun. 3rd, 2012


I seem to have landed in an astonishingly deep mud puddle. I hope my pocket dictionary remains undamaged...

May. 30th, 2012


The most interesting thing happened to me just now.

I realized, first, that I wasn't tired. It's been two days since whatever happened, and I'm not even yawning. So, I went for a walk- I came across a very large, very old, and very blue police telephone call box. Something about the strange box was more familiar than I even have words to explain. I reached out to touch it without even thinking, realizing that it was locked.

I'm not sure where this box came from, but seeing it here didn't alarm me, like I thought it would. In fact, a name came to mind. 'Doctor'. I don't know what it means, but it's there. And now, I can't get it out of my head.

This thought got me thinking. I've spent the last few hours writing down what came to mind, and as I continued to write, things started coming naturally. Habits. Things we do without thinking about them. Whatever did this, it hasn't destroyed our habits, or our personalities. We're still who we are, we just don't remember. It's like, when you type in a password so many times, you don't even have to think about what it is, your fingers just move. Or a locker combination.

In fact, it turns out that I was able to get onto the computer I had. I'm apparently Captain J. Harkness. And while that name means little to me right now, it's the fact that our habits are still readily available to us that matters.

I was able to find video footage of just before whatever happened, happened. Everyone just stopped, all at once, and then, we forgot. I realize this isn't the most helpful information, but it's a step forward in figuring out just what did this, and advancing towards solving this problem.

I've also found an identification card, along with a very expensive looking wallet laying on a machine. This man in the picture's name is Arthur. He wasn't within the building during the time of the incident, but I have a feeling that he might want his identity back. Nice looking young man, light suit, dark hair, dark eyes, and a polka dot tie.

May. 29th, 2012


[Filtered to anyone with a Torchwood Headset]

... Hello?

May. 21st, 2012


[Locked and private to Torchwood/Unhackable]

We are on an emergency lock down. No questions, just follow the procedure. Remain in the labs, together, weapons drawn until I state otherwise.


With me. The Master has returned, and he's actually interested in our base. He wants to rebuild the immortality gate that was taken when Torchwood fell all those years ago, and destroyed after the Master basically destroyed humanity. Point short, we can't let him just come in and take things. He's burning up his own energy, and I doubt the Doctor wants him to just die. He was here before, but right now, it's touch and go. I know you don't want me to do dangerous things, but he's the only other Time Lord in existance.

And you are not about to become a snack.


Well, wishful thinking, and the Master comes back. Only downside, he seems a little angry.

Any plans? Besides putting Torchwood on lockdown and avoiding Sir Snackalot?

I don't think you want me to let him die but I need you to say someth-

May. 7th, 2012


[Private to Ianto]

They want to investigate tonight.

We're bringing the contacts, and testing them.

May. 6th, 2012


Certainly not as boring as I expected it to be upon first landing here.

[Ianto Jones]
I have to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't currently be working for the town police. Back home, as a State Alchemist, we were like the FBI here, I guess. At least, from what I've learned. We'd come in when it was murders, or put a lot of lives at risk. We were investigators. We'd also protect the civilians.

I guess you could say Amestris was military run. And it feels good to be able to actually help out here, as an officer. Even if I've lost my rank.

I've also called to ask about that job offering. You said I could do both at the same time, and I saw the murder of one of your co-workers. You have my thoughts on that, and I'd like to help.

May. 2nd, 2012



Today, we lost a team member who not a lot of you had gotten to know. His name is Hayden Schmitt, and he was a hunter. He was our supernatural specialist.

What I ask of all of you is to take a moment of silence for him.

Could I see you in my office... Please?

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