Nov. 21st, 2012


Well. Never let it be said that I'm not in touch with my feminine side.

Aug. 20th, 2012


[After she finds the picture, she accidentally switches on to the network and you hear is crying.]

Aug. 10th, 2012


[Blocked from anyone evil, or monsters]

Last night, Adam and Dean both passed away.

You are all invited to their funeral to pay your respects. They'll be salted and burned before their burried. The graves were dug yesterday by Daryl.

Thank you all for your time and consideration.

Aug. 5th, 2012



Adam, my boy, is with a vampire. I don't know what's goin' on in this world, but that's- I'm puttin' back on my gear, and I'm takin' this son of a bitch out.


There's a vampire in town. More than likely more than one. And apparently... He and Adam are- Can we just do this the right way? Before I try and change my mind?


There's at least two confirmed vampires in town. Adam's wrapped around one of their fingers. We have to end this before this turns into a swarming nest.

[Filtered all other hunters - Sam Excluded because John doesn't think Sam knows how to hunt anymore. Sorry Sam! And Adam excluded because of reasons.]

We've got ourselves a vampire problem.

Jul. 18th, 2012


Those shapeshifters face doubles of mine still around?

[Jo & Owen]
D'you two need anything for when the baby's born?

I miss the Roadhouse. Is it safe to assume there's nothin' around here we can do like that? Any bars for sale?

[John & Mary]
How're you two doin'?

Jun. 12th, 2012


[Filtered to Ellen, Jo, John, and Mary]

I think instead of this party nonsense, we oughta have dinner.

May. 29th, 2012


The man I'm living with must be my husband. I'm wearing a ring.

May. 9th, 2012


[Private to Mary]

Are you... Okay?


[Accidental Video Feed via Eve]

[As the Camera clicks on, Eve snaps Dean's neck as he's left in a slump on the ground. You can hear Eve's message, but it's slightly crackly over the feed.]

And John can deliever a message to Crowley. That if he ever wants to see his little angel again, he'll meet up with us. Where I say.

[Next, John is seen crawling over to his son, who is missing an ear. John is bleeding from where his head hit the gravestone when he got thrown, and he's holding onto Dean's body, calling his name. John then picks the body up, and starts to walk out of the graveyard, back towards town. The video feed clicks off.]

May. 8th, 2012


[Private to Mary]

I won't be home 'till late today. Dean and I are gonna look for the Kitsune. I love you.

[Private to F!Dean]

You ready to go, son?

May. 3rd, 2012


Filtered; Sam

Happy Birthday, Sam. This is the first birthday I get to actually be a live for. It's kind of amazing.

Apr. 17th, 2012


...How is this possible? Hello? Is anyone there? I'm dead. I'm supposed to be dead.

July 2015




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