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May. 8th, 2012


[Private to Mary]

I won't be home 'till late today. Dean and I are gonna look for the Kitsune. I love you.

[Private to F!Dean]

You ready to go, son?

May. 3rd, 2012


Town's been kind of buzzy lately.

What am I missing?

May. 2nd, 2012


[Private to Future Dean]
I'm gonna need your help, son.

[Private to the Harvelle family]
Ellen, Jo.

I don't... I don't mean to be bringin' you ladies bad news... But.

Bill's dead.


[Filtered to Sam]

I know I'm a shitty brother now but

Happy birthday, Sam.

Apr. 30th, 2012


[Filtered to McCoy]

Jo said you've having some issues at the morgue?


Well, I'm glad to see absolutely none of you have caught on to anything lately.

You're all so brilliant, smart little hairless apes! I should applaud you!

That is... If you'd actually done something worth noticing. Honestly, you creatures disappoint me to no end.


Filtered to Dean SENIOR

Hey, I've got some info on some happenings if you're up for it. Sounds like it could be a monster of some kind.

Apr. 29th, 2012


Hey, growly-pants, are you feeling better?

Also... who wants to do something!

Apr. 26th, 2012


[Dean's so drunk he posted in the wrong comm!]

Ain't no need to worry, ain't no use to cry. 'Cause I'll be comin' home soooooon. To keep you satisfied. You know I get so lonely, that I feel I can't go onnnnnn. And it feels so good inside, baby, just to call you on the telephone, I said...

Oooh baby, I love you, what more can I say? Oh baby, I need you, I miss you more everyday.

Apr. 25th, 2012



What time is it You know what, who gives a s

Apr. 9th, 2012


[Filtered away from Baby]

No sugar for the Impala. Ever again.

Fuck, they should just ban candy from some people.


[Accidental Picture Message to Future Dean]

You have 1 new message )

Apr. 6th, 2012


[Locked to Future Dean]

Your car's waiting for you in the graveyard.

You should go pick him her up.

Apr. 4th, 2012


[Filtered to Jo, the Deans, and anyone involved with Ellie]

Did you really think I wouldn't find out? She's my daughter.

[Private to Sam]

You and I need to talk

Apr. 3rd, 2012


How did I get from a desert to a cemetery?

Apr. 2nd, 2012


[Directed towards Future Dean, but not private]

Dean, the fuck!

I thought you said the walkers were all gone! This is bullshit man. I just had to put one down. You know anything about this?

Mar. 29th, 2012


Shit man, it actually looks like it cleared up.

What happened to the walkers, and stuff? Anyone wanna fill me in?


[Filtered to Bill]

How are things going on your end?

[Filtered to Future Dean]

What's all this screaming about rings over the net, son?

Mar. 28th, 2012


I just noticed something's missing from my shit. Who the fuck... Now I'm just frustrated

[Filtered to F!Cas]
Traps are untouched, right?

[Filtered to Jacob]
I'm legitimately going to kick your ass.

Mar. 20th, 2012


[Filtered to Sam & Jo]
Ruby's out from her rock. Keep an eye out.

[Filtered to Junior]
You may need to be the more level headed of us again.

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