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Sep. 14th, 2012


I find myself in need of entertainment.

Sep. 10th, 2012


I still can't understand why anyone would want to put vervain in the blood especially when it's the only thing keeping me from but I'm glad that's over.

Sep. 3rd, 2012


Filtered from hunters

...think I need help.

Aug. 30th, 2012



Ripper, do you want to come out and play?

Aug. 29th, 2012


So I'm confused about something. I went to a bookshop in town to try and get a better grasp as my own books are rather outdated and the clerk assured me that this was rather a popular genre vampires here really sparkle? That seems rather strange and inconvenient if so.


Man, I know how to have a good time.

Aug. 28th, 2012


My but this place is dramatic. It makes me long for simpler days and hearing about news that I found interesting.

Like the young vampire who once wiped out an entire migrant village.

Aug. 26th, 2012


I think some answers are in order, mates. I don't know how my witches let this happen but I'll have to...take care of them when I am returned home.


Well...this isn't where I need to be at all. I would suggest you return me home at once. I may look sweet but I can be very, very deadly...

Aug. 20th, 2012


Filtered against hunters

This picture...I thought I'd left it back in Mystic Falls

and part of me just doesn't care because I'm so hungry.


Wow. I never thought I'd see this thing again.

Private to Dawn
Hey Dawnie, we need to talk.


I thought I burned these clothes years ago. How are they here?

Aug. 9th, 2012


Private to Vicky, Simon, and Elena

Adam was killed last night. Damon's out for blood. He's shut his emotions off.

Is everyone else all right?


Someone come take care of this body. I have a vampire to kill.

Aug. 5th, 2012


Well... I'm glad that's over.

[Filtered to Sam]
Haven't heard anything from Dean. Do you think he's stopped?

[Filtered to Damon]
Don't do anything stu-
So I think I have a sta
Guess who suddenly got popular

Are you doing all right?

[Filtered to Dean]
What's going on with you? Everyone says you've gone crazy

Aug. 1st, 2012


Unfortunately, during that rather disturbing attack on the city by those things. The old owner of Sparkles was killed.

Being a business man myself with several years of practice. I decided to do you all a favor, and take the place of the previous owner.

Say hello to the new owner of Sparkles, and any employee's new boss. If there are any questions, or concerns, you can voice them to be directly.

I've been considering changing the name. How do any of the workers feel about this?

How about a raise? Are you ladies interested?

The club will also be open later now. New shifts are available.

And I'm always up for talking.

Jul. 26th, 2012


You didn't tell me your brother was riding a crazy train.

Stay inside for a while, would you?

[Stefan, Vicki, Not-Jeremy aka Simon]
Lay low. Hunters are starting to get itchy I heard from a seemingly reliable source. I don't think they know about you.

Jul. 21st, 2012


Filtered to Damon

So... Adam.

Jul. 15th, 2012


I'm going to die here soon from boredom.

Jul. 11th, 2012


I think I'm finally settling in. This place isn't exactly home but it could be worst.

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