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Feb. 28th, 2014



How are you feeling?


Hey. Long time no see.


If that pep rally didn't scream school spirit, I'm not sure what does.

I've seriously never heard so much screaming in my life.


How have things been?



Are you doin' alright?


You look absolutely beautiful.

Murphy and Rocco

Either of you gotten hitched yet?


Boom boom BOOM!

I like the BOOM!

Feb. 18th, 2014


What is this place?


Wonderful. I was lost during a trip through the time stream, wasn't I? Never trust Sue with


Goin' overseas where it's less boring.

Feb. 17th, 2014


Private to Jacob Pond

Jacob, I've gotten a supply of brains for you. If you could come by, I'd like to discuss something with you.


Leftover candy... It's very good.


If he ain't gonna be home, then I'll go out

What's the haps in town?

Sup dude?

Feb. 16th, 2014



A wedding invitation has been sent to the following characters for Jo and Owen's wedding next month! The wedding is INVITE ONLY.

-Adam Milligan
-Ben Braeden (AU)
-Bobby Singer
-Bruce Banner
-Bucky Barnes
-Carl Grimes
-Claire Novak
-Clint Barton
-Connor MacManus
-Elizabeth Sherman
-Ellie Winchester
-Ianto Jones
-Isabel Evans
-Jack Harkness
-Jacob Galser Novak
-Johnny Storm
-Karrin Murphy
-Murphy MacManus
-Natasha Romanoff
-Rick Grimes
-Sam Winchester
-Tony Stark
-Vincent Ryan (OC)
-Zadkiel (OC)

If your character cannot make it, please respond to this post!

NOTE: YOUR CHARACTER DOES NOT HAVE TO ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN THE THREAD THAT GETS PUT UP! You will just be mentioned for being there, and if you WANT to interact, feel free!


Phone call to Jo

Hey, sweetheart. It's me.

I'm going to be working late tonight. House call. I've got a patient with a broken arm and the other with a morphine addiction. Refused to stay in the hospital.

Do you want me to bring home a late dinner?


Filtered Merle

Mr. Merle, sir?

No one at school wants to be my friend.


Filtered Rick Grimes

Dad! Can I go play video games with Daryl?


Filter: Carl Grimes (viewable: Torchwood)

Carl? Do you want to play video games?|


An interesting yet incredibly dull turn of events.

Feb. 15th, 2014


Filtered to Jack Harkness

We've got another demonic possession. Going to pick up a survivor right now. Broken leg. Can you get the medical bay ready?


[Blocked against Sherlock/Meg and all Evil]

Someone, please! Someone help!

My name is John Watson, and I don't... I don't know what's wrong with my friend.

He's not acting like-

I think- I think I saw his eyes turn black. Pure black. Please.

Someone, anyone. Please help me.


[Filtered to Jimmy]
Dad, if you're getting this, then answer me... please.
I'm really worried about y

[Filtered to Jacob]
Just wanted to let you know that I'm trying to reach out to dad.
I take it you still haven't heard from him?

[Filtered to friends]
Hey... Anybody got a moment? I think I could use someone to talk to.


Text to Liz - Backdated to yesterday morning

>Happy Valentine's Day.
>How's the kid?

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