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Apr. 30th, 2012


Is there anyone here who can... Help someone who is out of their time, out?

It's somewhat critical.

Apr. 29th, 2012



Hello, team.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ianto Jones, and I've been with the team since Cardiff. I am a forensic researcher, I do administrative work, and tech support, as well as the occasional stint in the field. I know we have a lot of new, and/or returning members--some of us have been on some pretty intense missions together, but some of us have only met in passing, so I just thought I'd take the time to introduce myself, and get to know you all a little better.

I hope the coffee has been to satisfaction, and if anyone would ever like to take time out of our busy schedule for a cup, and a chat, I'm usually about.


[Unhackable to Ianto]


It's time to talk.

Apr. 26th, 2012


[Dean's so drunk he posted in the wrong comm!]

Ain't no need to worry, ain't no use to cry. 'Cause I'll be comin' home soooooon. To keep you satisfied. You know I get so lonely, that I feel I can't go onnnnnn. And it feels so good inside, baby, just to call you on the telephone, I said...

Oooh baby, I love you, what more can I say? Oh baby, I need you, I miss you more everyday.

Apr. 14th, 2012


[Filtered to Ianto - Unhackable/Untraceable]

So, I've been spending the last few nights staring at these readings the TARDIS gave us.

I also asked about the name Zadkiel gave me.


I started looking through the records, but the only trace of Birkin showed up when he slipped up and gave his name. He was speaking to someone else, and that name still isn't known. But apparently, it's someone he knows.

But, that's not all. If I go back far enough, there's this advertisement that caught Rose's attention before she vanished again. This doctor was giving away samples of make up for a new company that I've never even heard of, yet, they're... Well, it's quite interesting.

But here comes the fun part. See, I thought the voice sounded familiar when I listened to the clip of the man who was called 'Birkin'. I ran them through the computer, and it came up with a single match.

The advertisement for make up.

Mar. 27th, 2012


[Private to Ianto Jones]

So... I'm asking everyone here to help out with this machine. I've asked Fred to help make blueprints, I'm going to talk to Isabel about getting together with Arthur. Arthur likes the idea.

I've even asked Sam if he'd help program it all. But I need you, too. You and Sam could work together with programming. It would be really cool if there was a way to watch what they saw, but I never got the chance to ask if it's poss-

And... Uh, how would you feel about a trip to Cardiff...? Just me and you. See if the old base is still standing. Scavange what we can...

Mar. 13th, 2012


[Private phone call Ianto

So, I found this really interesting article online.

Have you ever heard of 'dream-sharing'?


This isn't awkward at all. And I'm not dreaming.

Can anyone tell me where I am?

Mar. 3rd, 2012


[Private to Ianto]

Multiple sudden deaths.

Sound like something in our area of research?

Feb. 25th, 2012


[Filtered to Ianto Jones]

Ianto. We have a problem.

I seem to be... Stuck. To someone. Someone I don't know. And it isn't you.

And this doesn't look good.

I'm not coming home for awhile because of this. Until I can figure out why we're stuck.

Feb. 13th, 2012


[Filtered to Ianto]


Didn't you just talk to Rose last night?

Feb. 12th, 2012


Private to Jack

Let's talk about Rose.


[Private to Ianto Jones]

Ianto. I need to speak to you.

I know you don't know me... Well, maybe you do. But I do know you, and I think we should talk.

Feb. 2nd, 2012


[filtered to Torchwood]

Ianto, Karrin. We aren't going right away. We're waiting, and moving in after the hunters.

It is stupid, and childish, but one of the hunters won't go if I'm there. And he's the only hunter that knows how to make bombs. We can't short ourselves over a stupid fight. So, we're going in after them, and through the back. We'll cut off any that try to escape.

Feb. 1st, 2012


[Blocked from Dragons]

Alright everyone, listen up.

Too many people have already gone missing, and we need all the help we can get. A certain someone sent someone in unprotected and now they've lost contact with them. We're going to do this right.

Anyone who is with me, let me know.

Ianto, are you coming?

Jan. 31st, 2012


[Filtered away from Dragons]

Kathy's been taken. Ellie Winchester is missing. Angel is missing. Willow Rosenburg is missing.

I don't exactly know how, but this needs to be stopped. Even Liz got taken by the dragons, via report from Dean. We have to do something.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


[Filtered to Ianto Jones]

Ianto, hey. I know we never really talked that much... Except when we threatened to kill each other when I opened up the time dimension, but beyoind that...

I wanted to ask you some things, since I can't get anything out of Jack.

Why do you two keep looking at me like I'm a ghost? And neither of you will talk about Tosh. Jack seems to have no issues talking about Gwen. But when me or Tosh are brought up, he clams up.

What aren't you two telling me?


[Filtered to all Torchwood personnel]

There's still no luck. I haven't been able to make much progress, beyond learning what a dragon is.

Sam, what have you pulled up? Did you even sleep last night?

I have no idea where they would have taken her. I don't even know how to find these dragons. Could I get anymore useless?


You've got to be kidding me.

I go on vacation and I come back to hear girls have been kidnapped?

What is this? Really. Did everyone just forget that there's me, and Cas. And that we could actually do something about this? You humans...

Oh, and put it away. For crying out loud, you're both just as big as the other, just as smart, just on different parts of the globe. Get. Over. It.

Do adults not know how to get along anymore? You both have a common goal, work towards it! For the love of...

Oh, and you might want to upgrade your security measures. You don't know how to angel proof. Either of you. That's too cute.

[Filtered to Ianto Jones]

You know, the coffee you make smells wonderful darling. But you really should consider upgrading. Perhaps find a way to fend off angels? I've been watching you all for a few hours now.

[Filtered to Liz Sherman]

Yes, they really did get Goverment clearance to be here. And no, I didn't tap your line to hear that. I was in the room.

[Filtered to Castiel]
Cas. Where are you? We need to speak. It's actually quite important. Really.

[Filtered to Arriane]

Hello, darling. Did you miss me?

Jan. 22nd, 2012


[Filtered to all Torchwood personnel]

Alright, crew. Listen up.

There's a missing girl. Rose Tyler. She's a friend of mine, and of the Doctor. She was taken by a dragon last night. We need to do everything we can to try and find her.

Ianto, I need you here with me.

Sam, please tell me everything you know about these creatures, if anything.

Vincent, I want you to find every weapon we have with high range. If we have to kill this thing, it's going down.

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