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May. 23rd, 2012


[Private to Meredith]

Aye, Mer, I never really got to thank you properly for taking care of us, and Rocco while we were in the hospital.

And for saving my brother's life.

I really owe it to ya. Anything I could ever do, just ask.

May. 17th, 2012


Gonna have to brush my teeth again. Still can taste dirt and it's disgusting.

May. 7th, 2012


[Filtered away from evil]

I'm so sick of sittin' in this room doin' nothing.

May. 6th, 2012


One more time! I swear it! Come on back in here! And I'll have Rocco piss on ye leg!

I swear, if they can't keep the press out... We're going to have to start locking our door. Askin' us questions about the attacker, and if they're the same as the murderer, like we know! We weren't there! I didn't even know about the murder until Karrin called us!

Who was it that was murdered? You never gave me a name. The press stopped by today, askin' if we knew if the attacker was the murderer. Like we know that.

How is Carl and Prim doing? And how are you feeling?

... I sort of got yelled at today, tryin' to get up and chase the press out. They don't want me trying to walk without my stupid crutch thing, because I'm still healin'.

Apr. 30th, 2012


Well, I'm glad to see absolutely none of you have caught on to anything lately.

You're all so brilliant, smart little hairless apes! I should applaud you!

That is... If you'd actually done something worth noticing. Honestly, you creatures disappoint me to no end.

Apr. 29th, 2012


Okay, so this is horrible for me to say, all need to hurt yourselves more. This is what boredom does. I am a horrible person for saying this. I'm evil when I'm bored. And I'm also not being serious, so please don't think I am.

Apr. 24th, 2012


How in the-

Chris?! Leo?!

Apr. 18th, 2012


[Private to Karrin]

Did you know I'm not supposed to be on my phone? Apparently, it can stop someone's pacemaker or something. These things should be banned in public if that's the case.

Would it be too much to ask for you to bring me a burger and some beer?

Apparently, the nurses aren't too happy with Rocco, but I think they fell for his puppy eyes.

... And I miss you.

[Private to Meredith]

Hey, Mer. You should stop on buy and visit us. Murphy says he misses you, and wondered if you could come look at his stitches.

Apr. 13th, 2012


[Locked to Meredith]

Mer, can you bring Rocco to the hospital?

If they have a problem with it, I'll fuckin'... I just want to see Rocco.


[Text to Karrin]

I just got your message.

What's going on?


[Filtered away from evil]

I swear, when I get out of here, the first thing I'm going to do is kill those dark haired bitches.

Apr. 12th, 2012


Text; Connor Macmanus

Can I see you? It's important.


Somebody help me! My brother's been shot! Doctor! Someone! Owen! Someone help!

Apr. 11th, 2012


[Live interaction because I'm lazy]

[Connor comes in after finding the puppies, giving one to Adam, and as the other in his arms. He steps inside the house quietly, walking up to Murphy, and dropping the puppy on his lap]

I found it.


I miss my bike. It really sucks walking everywhere.

Apr. 9th, 2012


Sit. Stay. Stop following me. Don't give me that look! I knew I shouldn't have left without Murphy.

Is anyone missing a puppy? I seem to have stumbled across one...
image attached )


Accidental Mass Picture Message Sent to Everyone

You Have 1 New Picture Message. )

Apr. 6th, 2012


I need to find a priest.

Apr. 5th, 2012


I don't know what to do I shouldn't hurt people considering how that turned out last time but that's the only thing that makes sens

Where's the nearest church?


There's been a lot of new people coming from the graveyard. Maybe there should be a rotation of people standing by to help them when it happens?

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