July 27th, 2012

[info]niblet in [info]retrnprdse_net

So while I'm stuck here, should I start thinking about school in the fall?

[info]its_sam in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Private to Adam]

Dean's lost it; he's coming after Damon.

I...wanted to know. If you're giving the blood willingly, and if it's really working.

Don't get me wrong; I believe that you are...but Dean doesn't.

[info]notchinaman in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Voice Post because Glenn is panicking.]


Lots of them. Coming towards town. Daryl and I will get the ones we can but...

[Nope. Comm shuts off because he has to help. He will not be replying to any posts because he can't hear over gunshots.]

[info]looks_up_to_him in [info]retrnprdse_net


There's walkers! They're outside! Dad! Dad! What do we do!?

[info]dr_owen_harper_ in [info]retrnprdse_net

What the bloody hell is going on?!


There are things in the streets, killing people. The ones that go down get right back up as one of those things...

I'm going to try and come home. I might have to bring Krissy and Meredith with me. I can't just leave them behind.


Make sure all the doors are secure, and get in the back where the emergency exit it.


Can you handle a gun? I'm moving everyone, including the patients to the back. We're going to get out of here before we box ourselves in. There's my SUV out back. We'll all fit in there.

Bloody Jack Harkness isn't here, and Torchwood is on lockdown! We can all hunker down at my house.

[info]invisi_six in [info]retrnprdse_net

Too bad John's missing this. The practice would do him good.

[info]shouldberunning in [info]retrnprdse_net

What... What the hell are these things? Dean?

Hey, Cap? Nat? Maybe you should get your team on the streets...

[info]ineffable_angel in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Private to Crowley]

You've nothing to do with the disturbance outside my shop, I presume?

[info]has_her_secrets in [info]retrnprdse_net


Are you okay?

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